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「Paid Holiday - 有給・有給休暇・有給消化」に関する 英単語 & イデオム
■ paid holiday 有給休暇、祝日も有給扱いとして給与を支払う仕組み
ex) The employees are given exactly zero paid holiday.
paid holiday: a day or period of time during which an employee is given time off from work
ex) We've made a list of the 11 paid holidays in the US.
有給扱いとなる アメリカの 11の祝日を 一覧にしました
■ a paid day off 有給休暇
ex) More than half of Americans are still not using all their paid time off.
アメリカ人の半数以上が 有給休暇を消化していない
paid day off: days off with pay given to an employee as part of their compensation
ex) The government mandates at least 10 paid days off.
■ mandate (公共機関等が)命じる
ex) Illinois has mandated paid leave for any purpose.
イリノイ州は いかなる理由であろうとも 有給が使用できることを法制化した
mandate: to give official permission for something to happen
ex) Does California mandate paid time off?
カリフォルニア州は 有給休暇の提供を義務化していますか?
■ sick leave 病気休暇
ex) There are no federal legal requirements for paid sick leave.
sick leave: : an absence from work permitted because of illness
ex) I'll carry over unused sick leave to the following year.
■ unused 未使用の
ex) Unused vacation days may roll over to the next year, be paid out, or, unfortunately, be forfeited.
未使用の有給は 翌年に持ち越される、金銭にして支払われるかもしれないし、残念なことに 没収されてしまうかもしれない
unused: not being, or never having been, used
ex) We leave the old computer sitting untouched and unused.
□ conserve paid days off 有給を取っておく
ex) I need to conserve some paid days off to cover emergency situations.
□ conserve (資源など)保存する
ex) I tried to conserve energy while playing a basketball game.
□ carry over 繰り越す、持ち越す
ex) Unused budget can be carried over to the following year.
□ compensatory days off 代休
ex) I worked on a holiday and receive a compensatory day off.
□ lose one’s days off 有給を失効させる
ex) You lose all your unused days off if you don't use them within the year.
休暇を取る□ 福利厚生□ さぼる□ 入社する□ 退職する□ 値下げする□