英語で 絶対に・全く - TOP

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「Absolute - Definite - 絶対に・全く」 に関する 英単語 & イデオム

absolutely 完全に、絶対に、全く
ex) Let me make one thing absolutely clear.
一つだけ 完全に明白にさせてほしい

absolutely: completely or totally
ex) He is absolutely certain who will win.
彼は 誰が勝つかについて 絶対的な確信を持っていた

□ definitely 完全に、絶対に、全く
ex) The party will definitely be next week.
definitely: without doubt : in a way that is certain or clear
The new model is definitely an improvement.

□ utterly 絶対に、完全に
ex) I was utterly convinced that she was wrong.
彼女が間違っていると 絶対的に確信していた
utter: : complete and total
ex) The children displayed an utter lack of interest in the performance.

□ inffallible 絶対確実な
ex) There is no infallible remedy to these problems.
これらの問題に 絶対確実な 対処法はない
infallible: certain to work properly or succeed
ex) The computer program can infallibly identify each type of file.

□ willy-nilly いや応なしに、有無を言わせずに
ex) He would be forced to collaborate willy-nilly.
彼は 否応なしに 協働作業に就かされるであろう
willy-nilly: whether one likes it or not
ex) He'll have to do it willy-nilly.

□ I wouldn't take it for all the tea in China.   絶対にやりたくない
ex) I wouldn't take that job for all the tea in China.
not take ... for all the tea in China: used to say that nothing could persuade you to do something
ex) I wouldn't trade you away for all the tea in China.

□ at all costs    絶対に、何が何でも
ex) I wanted to avoid bankruptcy at all costs.
at all costs: emphasize that a specific action absolutely needs to be done
ex) Security during the president's visit needs to be maintained at all costs.

□ by any means 絶対に、何としても、何が何でも
ex) By any means I've got to get there.
何としても そこに辿り着かなくてはいけない
by any means: in any way possible
ex) I was not happy about the arrangements by any means, but I agreed to do it.

□ by all means 絶対に、何が何でも、(承諾・同意)ぜひとも、もちろん
ex) If an extremely popular toy is something aligned with her own interests, then by all means be encouraged to buy if it's within your budget.
もし興味があるようでしたら 絶対に買った方がよいですよ
by all means: used to give permission
ex) "May I borrow this book?" "By all means."


ワッペン・バッジ アレルギー 奇妙な・変な 偶然・偶発 達成・実現 臨時・仮の
