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Phase in / Phase out - 段階・段階的・徐々に に関する 英単語 & イデオム

at the stage of …        … の段階で
ex) I'm not surprised, it has to come at some stage.
stage: : a particular point or period in the growth or development of something
ex) Their youngest child is at the stage where she can say individual words but not full sentences.

be on the drawing board   計画の段階にある
ex) This computer is still on the drawing board. Keep an eye on the future developments.

go back to the drawing board    最初の段階に戻ってやり直す
ex) We need to go back to the drawing board on this one.

drawing board: a planning stage
ex) The project is still on the drawing board.
そのプロジェクトは まだ計画段階にある

take a step 一歩進む、一段階進む
ex) We are taking steps to correct the situation.

step: one of a series of actions that are done to achieve something
ex) The court's decision is a step backward for the reform movement.
裁判の判決は 改革運動にとって、一歩後退を意味するものであった

in two ranges      2段階で
ex) Level of illumination is adjustable in two ranges.

range : a group or collection of different things or people that are usually similar in some way ? usually singular
ex) The gear range of the bicycle is 4.0/1.0, which is 400%.

その自転車のギアの変則範囲は 400% である

in its very nascent stages   ごく初期の段階で
ex) I'm in a very nascent stage in my career as a doctor.

nascent: (especially of a process or organization) just coming into existence and beginning to display signs of future potential
ex) We are excellent at navigating the nascent stage of innovation.
私たちは イノベーションを初期の段階から 正しく推進することに長けている

phase in …       … を段階的に取り入れる
ex) Breakfast service will be phased in at the cafeteria.

phase out …   …を段階的に止める
ex) There's a possibility that we limit or phase out the commercial production of beverages.

in increments   徐々に
ex) The volume is adjustable in 10 equal increments.
(ステレオの)音のボリュームは 10段階 で徐々に 調整できる

increment: an increase or addition, especially one of a series on a fixed scale
ex) The average yearly increment in productivity was 4.5 per cent.
生産性の年平均の上昇利率は 4.5% である


残り 重い 場合 事前に 並ぶ 面倒
