英語で 転ぶ・転倒・つまづく - TOP

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「Slip-and-Fall - 転ぶ・転倒・つまづく」 に関する 英単語 & イデオム

fall 転ぶ、転倒する
ex) I fell on my arm in an awkward position.

fall: to come or go down suddenly from a standing position
ex) Last night I fell and hurt my back.
昨晩 私は転んで 背中を痛めた

 fall 転ぶこと、転倒
ex) I had a fall, but I came away without a serious injury.

falling 転ぶこと
ex) Falling can hurt.

fall: an act of falling or collapsing
ex) Most of our instinctive actions when we start to fall are more likely to get us hurt.
私たちが転ぶ時に 反射的に取る行動により、怪我を負いやすい

fall sideways 横転する、横倒しになる
ex) I fell sideways on my shoulder.

sideways: to, toward, or from the side
ex) I became lightheaded after rising quickly from bed and fell sideways.

□ fall over バタンと倒れる、バタンと転ぶ
ex) The actress fell over while walking the red carpet but handled it like a pro.
fall over: to lose one's balance and collapse to the ground

□ fall over... ,.. につまずく
ex) I rushed for the door and fell over the cat in the hallway.
fall over: to hit your foot against something/somebody when you are walking and fall
ex) He almost fell over.

have a slip-and-fall accident すべって、転ぶ事故
ex) I had a slip-and-fall minor accidents recently.
sli-and-fall: a fall that occurs when an individual loses traction or stumbles, causing a fall to the ground
ex) Slip and falls can cause excruciating pain and injury.

□ slip on ... ... を踏んで、滑る・転ぶ
ex) I slipped on a wet floor.
slip: lide unintentionally for a short distance
ex) Has anyone actually ever slipped on a banana peel?

fall off … … から落ちて転ぶ
ex) I fell off my bike riding along the street.
道沿いで 自転車から落ちて転倒した
fall off: become detached and drop to the ground
ex) If your baby fell off a bed, look for signs like extra fussiness.
もし赤ちゃんがベッドから落ちたら、いつもより不機嫌などの 追加の兆候を探して

 miss a step 階段を踏み外す
ex) I missed a step on the stairs.

step: a movement made by lifting your foot and putting it down in a different place
ex) You should know the danger of climbing and descending stairs. 階段の上り下りの 危険性を知るべきだ

 misstep 踏み誤り、つまずき、誤り
ex) Inconsistencies in a staircase can cause a person to misstep and slip and fall on stairs.
不規則な階段は つまづきや転倒の原因となる

misstep: an act of placing your foot somewhere in an awkward way
ex) Their decision to relocate the company was a major misstep.
会社移転の決断が 大きな誤りであった

fall forward 前のめりで転ぶ
ex) I fell forward down and scraped my nose.

fall backwards 後方に倒れる
ex) I slipped on a toy car that caused me to fall backwards.

  trip over …   … につまずく
ex) I tripped over the tangled electrical cords.

trip: to catch your foot on something and fall or almost fall.
ex) I tripped over my own feet and fell down the stairs.

falter よろめく、挫ける、行き詰まる
ex) Her steps began to falter.
彼女の足取りは よろめき始めた

falter: to begin to walk or move in an unsteady way
ex) Their initial optimism has faltered.
彼らの最初の楽観する姿勢は 行き詰ってしまった


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