英語で 酒を飲む・悪酔い - TOP

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「Hit the Sauce - 酒を飲む・悪酔い・二日酔い」 に関する 英単語 & イデオム

booze お酒
ex) I considered going this year off the booze.

booze: alcohol, especially hard liquor.
ex) They turn to booze to beat work pressure.
彼らは 仕事のプレッシャーに打ち勝つため、酒に頼った

hangover 二日酔い
ex) A single alcoholic drink is enough to trigger a hangover for some people.
1杯のアルコール飲料摂取でも 二日酔いになる人もいる

hangover: a set of symptoms that occur as a consequence of excessive alcohol use
ex) Fueling up at breakfast time with foods high in fat will help prevent a hangover after an evening of drinking.
飲酒をした翌日 脂肪分の高い朝食で エネルギーを補充することは 二日酔いの防止に役立つ

Name your poison.   (お酒など)何にしますか
ex) What's your poison? Vodka?
何にしますか? ウオッカですか?

hang out for a drink (数人で)飲みに出かける
ex) Do you know a good place to hang out for a drink?

hit the bar 飲みに行く
ex) Sometimes I hit the bars or the clubs after work.

Bottoms-up!  乾杯!

be on the wagon    禁酒する
ex) I'm not going on the wagon. I just stopped drinking during the week.

knock back a drink 一気に飲み干す
ex) He knocked back several tequila shots in a hurry.

tipsy ほろ酔いの
ex) She's getting a little tipsy again.

tipsy: unsteady, staggering, or foolish from the effects of liquor
ex) Usually a man will start to feel tipsy after consuming 2 to 3 alcoholic drinks in an hour.
男性は1時間に 2~3杯のアルコールを摂取すると ほろ酔いになる

can't hold one's liquor  悪酔いする、少ししか飲めない
ex) He can't hold his liquor or tongue.

hold one's liqor: to be able to drink alcoholic beverages without becoming too drunk
ex) I don't even remember what happened. I guess I just can't hold my liquor.
何が起きたのか 思い出せない。 多分 私は 悪酔いしやすいのだと思う

hit the sauce 酒びたりになる = hit the bottle
ex) The actress has been spotted hitting the bottle pretty heavily in a bar.


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