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「Take A Loss - 損害・損失・赤字」 に関する 英単語 & イデオム
■ loss 損失、損害
ex) Insurance can protect you against financial loss.
保険は 財政的な損失から あなたを守ります
loss: the fact or process of losing something or someone
ex) The company announced a pre-tax loss of three million dollars.
その会社は 税引き前で 300万ドルの赤字が出たと 発表した
■ take a loss 損をする、賭けに負ける
ex) To suggest that the U.S. cannot afford to fund the war against Russia, that somehow we are tapped out and compelled to take a loss in Ukraine, is flatly untrue.
アメリカはロシアに対抗するための 財政が不十分であり、戦争から身を引き、ウクライナに損害を被るようにするという考え方は 真実とかけ離れている
take a loss: to lose money
ex) Rent out your house before you can take a loss on the property.
■ rent out 賃貸に出す
ex) I own a shop and rent out the apartment above.
私は 店舗を所有し、その2階を アパートとして貸しだしている
rent out: grant the services of or the temporary use of, for a fee
ex) If rent is not being paid on time or in full, that is income lost.
もし 家賃の期日後れや、全額回収が出来ない場合、それは 利益損失となる
■ debt 借金、負債
ex) He is trying to pay off gambling debts.
彼は 借金の負債を返済しようとしている
■ work off debts 借金を働いて返す
ex) There are some strategies you can employ to work off your debts faster.
借金を働きながら 早く返済する 方法がいくつかある
debt: an amount of money that you owe to a person, bank, company, etc.
ex) The company has run up huge debts.
■ go into red ink 赤字になる
ex) They dipped into the red ink as they suffered a drop in sales.
red ink: used in reference to financial deficit or debt
ex) By then the company was confronting a tide of red ink.
その頃には 会社は 負債と直面していた
■ damage (人や物の)価値を減らす
ex) The scandal significantly damaged her career.
そのスキャンダルは 明らかに 彼女の職歴を傷つけた
damage : to have a bad effect on (a situation, a person's reputation, etc.)
ex) Negative reputation can damage revenue or brand reputation.
■ revenue 歳入、収益
ex) This product is a major revenue driver for us.
この商品は 当社にとって ドル箱商品である
revenue: money that is made by or paid to a business or an organization
ex) The factory lost revenue because of the strike by the workers.
その会社は 従業員のストライキのため、収益を失った
the loss … inflict on the company …が会社に与える損害
□ The insurance covers losses inflicted on the company.
inflict on … (負担、痛み)… に与える
□ Candy can inflict the harm on children's teeth.
■ detriment 損害、損失、損害をもたらすもの
ex) Such tests are a detriment to good education.
そのようなテスト方法は 良い教育に損害を与えかねない
detriment: the state of being harmed or damaged.
ex) He is engrossed in his work to the detriment of his married life.
彼は 結婚生活に損失をもたらすほど 仕事に熱中した
drain one's wallet 財布を空にする、出費を増やす
□ Car buying mistakes will drain your wallet.
sell … at a loss 損を出して、 … を売る
□ Selling your home at a loss is the worst nightmare.
家を捨て値で売ることは、最低の悪夢だ worst - nightmare
take a bath 大損する
□ I'll take a bath if I buy that house.
大損することになる bath
lose a fortune 大損する
□ He's lost a fortune during the real estate collapse.
recoup a loss 損失を取り返す
□ We'll work for no pay until the whole loss is recouped.
損失を取り返すまで、無償で働く recoupe
get the short end of the stick 損をする、貧乏くじを引く
□ Good guys tend to get the short end of the stick.
a lame duck (株売買)大損した人
□ I could be a lame duck.
利益□ 儲ける□ 口座□ 税金□ 値上げする□ 値下げする□