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売上げが上がる に関する 英単語 & イデオム
■ see an increase in sales 売上げが上昇する>
ex) We'll see an increase revenue even if sales are slow.
increase: : to become larger or greater in size, amount, number, etc.
ex) Run the test to see how the product increases our sales.
■ run a test on … … に検査を行なう
ex) Run a speed test for your Internet connection.
run a test: to arrange for someone or something to be checked or tested
ex) We will run a test on her blood to see if she has a disease.
血液検査を行って 彼女が病気でないか 調べてみる
■ sales growth 売り上げの増大・増加、売上成長
ex) Sales growth rate is a key indicator of the current and future success of your company.
売上増加率は 会社の現在と将来の栄光の 主要な指標となる
sales growth: the increase in sales of a product or service over time
ex) This application determines the rate at which a company is growing its sales.
このアプリは 会社の売上成長率を割り出す
■ soar 大幅に上がる
ex) Our profit soared 50% over last year.
純利益が、前年と比べ 50%上昇した
soar: : to increase very quickly in amount or price
ex) Stock prices are beginning to soar.
□ be on the up swing 上昇して
ex) CD sales are on the upswing this month.
□ creep up じわじわと上がる
ex) Our advertising sales are creeping up as the economy slowly rolls to recovery.
□ edge up (物価などが)少しずつあがる
ex) Our sales edged up 0.2% in May, marking 3 consecutive months of growth.
売上げが0.2%上がり、3か月連続 で成長している
□ shoot up 急上昇する
ex) Car sales have suddenly shot up.
□ bump 上昇
ex) We expect a big bump in sales.
売上げの急上昇を 期待する
□ spike 上昇、上昇する
ex) Gas stations see a spike in sales as gas prices continue to rise.
□ upturn 上昇、好転
ex) Our sales showed an upturn last week.
□ go sky high 急激に上がる
ex) The interest rates would go sky high.