英語で Modify - Rectify - 修正・訂正・見直し - TOP

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「Modify - Rectify - 修正・訂正・見直し」 に関する 英単語 & イデオム

modify 修正する、変更する
ex) she may be prepared to modify her views.
彼女はものの見方を修正する準備をしているのかも 知れない

modification 修正、変更
ex) The parts supplied should fit with little or no modification.
提供された部品は 修正はほとんど無しで 取り付けられなくてはならない

modify: make partial or minor changes to (something), typically so as to improve it or to make it less extrem
ex) The proposals were unpopular and were only accepted in a modified form.
その企画書は不人気であり 修正された様式でしか 受け入れられなかった

□ review ...を見直す、検討する
ex) She reviewed her notes for the speech.
review: to look at or examine (something) carefully especially before making a decision or judgment
Students were given time to review for the test.

revise(新しい情報に基づいて 考えなどを)修正する、改定する
ex) Please revise this essay.

revision 修正、改定
ex) The plan needs drastic revision.

revise: to make changes especially to correct or improve (something)
ex) We have to revise our plans because of the delays.
遅延のため、私たちは 計画を変更しなければならない

ex) The computer program corrects spelling errors.
そのコンピュータプログラムは スペルミスを訂正する

correction 訂正
ex) He made a few corrections to my homework.
彼は 私の宿題に 数か所訂正を入れた

correct: to change (something) so that it is right, true, proper, etc. : to make (something) correct
ex) I hate it when she corrects my grammar.

remediate 修正する
ex) The most serious flaws are easy to remediate.
最も重大な その欠陥は 簡単に修正できる

remediate: redress or make right.
ex) It's a problem that we will need to continue to monitor and remediate.
それは 私たちが監視と修正をし続ける必要のある問題である

□ redress (間違えなどを)正す、是正する
ex) It is time to redress the injustices of the past.
redress: to correct (something that is unfair or wrong)
ex) We hope that all these grievances/problems will be redressed immediately.

□ remedy (悪い状態を)改善する、是正する
ex) Something must be done to remedy the problem.
問題を改善するために 何かする必要がある
remedy: to solve, correct, or improve (something)
ex) The conflict can be remedied by scheduling the meeting for next week.

□ recast 見直す、練り直す
ex) Quickly, he recast the story in his mind.
素早く彼は 物語を練り直した
recast: to make major changes that make something seem very different or even brand new
ex) The shake-up aims to recast the company as a federation of flexible.

□ doctor   不正に修正する
ex) These pictures are doctored.
これらの写真は 修正されている
doctor: to change (something) especially in order to trick or deceive people
ex) They were accused of doctoring the company's financial records.

□ debug   (電子機器)プログラムの誤りを修正する
ex) She's been hired to write and debug computer programs.
彼女は コンピュータプログラムを書き、修正するために雇用された
debug: to remove the mistakes from (something, such as a computer program)
ex) Every designer has a different debug method.

□ rectify     改正する、修正する、矯正する
ex) Mistakes made now cannot be rectified later.
rectify: put right; correct.
ex) You can easily rectify the error by reinstalling the concerned application.

□ go over 見直す、(詳しく)調べる
ex) You can go over the figures.
go over: to examine or look at something in a careful or detailed way
ex) Remember to go over your paper for grammar and spelling mistakes before you hand it in to me.

□ run over 見直す、読み返す
ex) They ran over the list to make sure there were no mistakes.
彼らは 誤りがないか リストを見直した
run over: go over something quickly as a reminder or rehearsal.
ex) Her mind ran over their previous conversation.

□ see ... in a new light 見直す、新しい視点で見る
I've come to see him in a whole new light.
私は彼を 見直した
see ... in a new light: to perceive, regard, or understand someone or something in a new, typically more positive way
ex) Your peers are seeing you in a different light.



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