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「Honest - Frankly - 率直・正直」 に関する 英単語 & イデオム
□ lay it on the line 率直に言う
ex) You're just going to have to lay it on the line and tell her that her work's not good enough.
彼女の仕事は 十分に良いとは言えないと、君は率直に言うべきだ
lay it on the line: speak frankly
ex) I'd like to lay it on the line for you and state my objections.
□ lay the cards on the table 率直に話す
ex) Let me lay the cards on the table and then we'll talk about money.
お金について 私は率直に 話したい
lay the cards on the table : to be honest with other people and to tell them one's thoughts, plans, etc., in a very open way
ex) I would have a confrontation with him and put my cards on the table.
□ not to put too fine a point on it 率直に言えば
ex) Not to put too fine a point on it, she is a liar.
率直に言って 彼女は嘘つきだ
not too fine a point on it: to be completely direct and honest
ex) They were, not to put too fine a point on it, an ill-favoured bunch.
彼らは 率直に言えば おかしな集団であった
□ openness 率直さ、開放性
ex) An openness to new ideas is essential in our work.
私たちの仕事では 新しいアイデアに対してのオープンな姿勢が欠かせない
openness: frankness
ex) Not every country has a culture that allows openness about preventing HIV.
□ downright 率直な、露骨な、徹底的な
ex) He's a sort of downright person.
彼は 率直な人間である
downright (of a person's manner or behavior) straightforward; so direct as to be blunt
ex) Her common sense and downright attitude to life surprised him.
□ devious 率直でない、不正な
ex) He can be bit devious at times. I wouldn't trust him.
彼は 時々 不誠実であるの 私は彼を信じないであろう
devious: willing to lie and trick people in order to get what is wanted
ex) The company was accused of using devious [=dishonest, deceptive] methods/ways to get the contract.
□ outspoken 率直な、遠慮のない
ex) She was obstinate and outspoken, characteristics which lead to conflict with us.
彼女は 頑固であり 率直であるため、その性格は 私たちとの対立に導いた
outspoken: talking in a free and honest way about your opinions
ex) She's very outspoken about political issues.
■ to put it plainly ずばり言って、はっきり言って
ex) To put it plainly, you've simply not been performing to the standard of quality we expect.
正直に言って、君は私たちの期待以下の 業績を残しているのだ
to put it plainly: to state, explain, or express something clearly and directly
ex) Please put your opinion plainly and quit beating around the bush!
■ honest 正直な、誠実な
ex) They are honest people.
■ quite honestly 正直な所
ex) Quite honestly, I'm not interested in the news.
正直に言うと 私は そのニュースに関心がない
honest: good and truthful
ex) These criminals pose a danger to honest citizens.
これらの犯罪者たちは 実直な市民に危険をもたらす
■ frank (意見が)率直な、(人が)正直な
ex) She gave me some very frank criticism.
彼女は 私に率直な批判を述べた
■ quite frankly 率直に言うと
ex) Quite frankly, I'm not impressed with the food here.
率直に言って ここの食事には よい印象を持っていない
frank: used to say that someone is speaking or writing in a very direct and honest way
ex) We had a frank discussion.
私たちは 率直な討論を行った
□ level with … on ‥ …について‥に正直に言う
ex) When are you going to level with me?
いつ 君は僕に正直に話してくれるんだ?
level with: be frank or honest with someone.
ex) The actor has leveled with fans recently about wanting to focus more on acting and musical theater and less on pop star activities going forward.