英語で Scrap - Revoke - 廃止・取消し・無効化 - TOP

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「Scrap - Revoke - 廃止・取消し・無効化」 に関する 英単語 & イデオム

scrap     廃止する、解体する
ex) Schools have scrapped a plan to install a security system.
学校は 安全システムを設置する計画を廃止した

 the scrapping of …   …の廃止
ex) His plan to scrap taxes on tips and overtime could reshape how millions of Americans get paid.
彼の チップや残業代にかかる 税金の廃止案は 何百万人というアメリカ人の 給与の受け取り方を 変える可能性がある

scrap: to abandon or get rid of as no longer of enough worth or effectiveness to retain
ex) You must be ready to scrap the old habits and even the old careers.

revoke  (法)... を無効にする、... を取り消す
ex) Their work permits were revoked.
彼の 労働許可は取り消された

revocation (免許などの)取り消し、廃止、撤回
ex) The complaint against the bar could lead to revocation of its license.
そのバーに対する苦情は 飲食店免許の取り消しにも つながりかねない

revoke: : to officially cancel the power or effect of (something, such as a law, license, agreement, etc.)
ex) The judge revoked her driver's license.

□ do away with(制度などを)廃止する、(不要なものを)処理する
ex) Some airlines have done away with reclining seats.
いくつかの航空会社は リクライニングシートを廃止した
do away with: remove or put an end to something
ex) These ridiculous rules and regulations should have been done away with years ago.

□ discontinue(生産・供給・継続中の事などを)中止する、廃止する、打ち切る
ex) The company has announced that the current model will be discontinued next year.
現在のモデルは 生産中止になるであろうと 会社は告知した
discontinue: to stop making or offering (a product, service, etc.)
ex) They are planning to discontinue bus service between the two towns.

□ discontinuation 中止、中断、廃止
He favored the discontinuation of laboratory studies of dolphins.
彼は イルカの臨床検査の 廃止を支持した
discontinuation: the action of ceasing to do or provide something, especially something that has been provided on a regular basis.
ex) The discontinuation of the product was a surprise to many.

□ abolish(法律や制度などを)廃止する
ex) He is in favor of abolishing the death penalty.
abolish: to officially end or stop (something, such as a law)
ex) They are planning to abolish education department.

□ abrogate(法律・慣習などを)廃止する、(契約などを)破棄する
ex) The company's directors are accused of abrogating their responsibilities.
その会社の部長は 自分たちの責任を放棄したことで 非難されている
abrogate: to end or cancel (something) in a formal and official way
ex) They submitted a proposal to abrogate temporarily the right to strike.

□ annul (契約や結婚を)無効にする、取り消す
ex) Their marriage was annulled.
彼らの結婚は 取り消された
annul: : to say officially that something is no longer valid
ex) The couple has filed for annulment.



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