英語で Musical Instrument - 楽器演奏・指揮者 - TOP

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「Musical Instrument - 楽器演奏・指揮者」 に関する 英単語 & イデオム

□ musical instrument 楽器 What music instrument would you like to learn to play? どんな楽器の演奏法を習いたいですか? musical instrument: a device created or adapted to make musical sounds ex) Piano and guitar are frequently mentioned as instruments people either play or wish to learn.

□ wind instrument 管楽器 ex) The recorder is a woodwind instrument characterized by its cylindrical shape. リコーダーは シリンダー状の形が特徴的な管楽器である wind instrument: a musical instrument in which sound is produced by the vibration of air, typically by the player blowing into the instrument ex) The harmonica is a wind instrument used worldwide in many musical genres.

□ woodwind instrument 木管楽器
ex) There are two main types of woodwind instruments: flutes and reed instruments.
木管楽器には フルートと リード楽器の2種類がある
woodwind instrument: a type of musical instrument that you play by blowing into its mouthpiece
ex) The clarinet is a single-reed musical instrument in the woodwind family.

□ brass instrument 金管楽器
ex) Nowadays there are even brass instruments made of plastic.
今日では プラスチック製の 金管楽器さえもある
brass instrument: part of the wind instrument category, with the most common being trumpet, cornet, flugelhorn, trombone, tuba, euphonium, baritone horn
ex) A brass band is a musical ensemble generally consisting primarily of brass instruments.

□ melodica 鍵盤ハーモニカ
ex) A melodica is a keyboard reed instrument similar to the harmonica or accordion.
鍵盤ハーモニカは キーボード付きのリード楽器で、ハーモニカやアコーディオンと似ている
melodica: a wind instrument with a small keyboard controlling a row of reeds, and a mouthpiece at one end
ex) The word 'melodica' was invented in 1958 by the Hohner Melodica Company in Germany.

□ reed リード楽器(マウスピースに付けたリードが振動することにより、音が出る)
ex) We have an extensive selection of reed plates for harmonicas.
私たちは ハーモニカの交換用リードプレート を幅広く取り揃えています
reed: a thin strip of material that vibrates to produce a sound on a musical instrument
ex) We specialize in handmade oboe reeds for beginners to professionals.

□ director (オーケストラの)指揮者 = conductor
ex) The orchestra conductor's primary role is to interpret the score that the orchestra is performing.
オーケストラの指揮者の 主たる役割は オーケストラが演奏する楽曲の楽譜を解釈することである
music director: the person responsible for the musical aspects of a performance, production, or organization
ex) The director typically stands at the front of the orchestra pit facing the stage.

□ baton 指揮棒
ex) What is the name of the little stick worn by the conductor of the orchestra?
オーケストラの指揮者が身に付けている 小さな棒を何と呼びますか?
baton: a thin stick that is used by a music conductor to lead a band or orchestra
ex) He holds his conducting baton.

□ xylophone  木琴
ex) Are xylophones hard to play?
木琴を弾くことは難しいのでしょうか? xylophone: a musical instrument played by striking a row of wooden bars of graduated length with one or more small wooden or plastic mallets
ex) What is the easiest song to play on the xylophone?

□ glockenspiel 鉄琴
ex) The glockenspiel consists of pitched steel bars arranged in a keyboard layout.
鉄琴は キーボードと同じ配列で並べられた 調音済みのバーから成る
glockenspiel: : a percussion instrument consisting of a series of graduated metal bars tuned to the chromatic scale and played with two hammers
ex) Glockenspiel mallets are essential tools for percussionists playing these melodic instruments.

□ malletマレット(木琴・鉄琴用)ばち
ex) Use your wooden mallets to play the xylophone.
木琴を演奏するのに 木製のばちを使用して
mallet: a stick with a rounded end that is sometimes padded, used to strike percussion instruments like timpani, bells, or a marimba
ex) Padded mallets take out the strike noise for a very gentle sound.

□ chamber music 室内楽
ex) Chamber music can be any group of instruments from two up to nine.
室内楽は 2名から9名までの 演奏者からなる グループを指す
chanber music: a form of classical music that is composed for a small group of instruments
ex) I haven't listened to a lot of chamber music, but from what I have listened to I'd say my favorite is probably Schubert's Trout Quintet.



嘘・騙す 冷静な・落ち着いた 器用・不器用 親切・優しい 探す・見つける 奨学金・育英資金 短い・短縮