英語で Short - Brief - Curtail - 短い・短期・短縮 - TOP

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「Short - Brief - Curtail - 短い・短期・短縮」 に関する 英単語 & イデオム

□ short 短い
ex) I'm visiting London for a short break.
short: measuring a small distance from end to end
ex) It's only a short walk to the station.

□ shorten 短くなる、縮む
ex) The diminishing daylight shortens the day by about 6 minutes.
日照時間が1日あたり 6分の割合で短くなっている
shorten: make or become shorter
ex) The name William is often shortened to Bill.

□ short for 短縮である、省略である
ex) "Phone” is short for “telephone”.
short for: being a shortened form of
ex) "Ken” is short for “Kennedy.

□short-term 短期間の
ex) These risks are short-term and manageable.
short-term : occurring over or involving a relatively short period of time
ex) There may be a short-term gain for those who win power through confidence tricks.

□ short haul 短距離(輸送)、短期間
ex) Short-haul electric aviation will dramatically impact the aviation industry as a whole.
短距離用 電気飛行機は 航空業界に 多大な影響を与えるでしょう
short haul: a relatively short distance in terms of travel or the transport of goods
ex) It is only a short haul over the mountains to Los Angeles.
山を越えてロサンゼルスに行くのは 本当に短距離である

□ sprint   短距離走
ex) A sprint race is a shorter version of the classic race format.
短距離走レースは 通常の徒競走の短縮版である
sprint: a race over a short distance at a very fast speed
ex) He made a sprint for the finish line.

□ brief  短時間の
ex) After a brief time, the patient perked up and did very well.
短時間が過ぎた後、患者に活気が戻り 容態がよくなった
brief: of short duration.
ex) He made a brief visit to Paris to attend two concerts.

□ In less than no time  すぐに、直ちに、ほんの短い時間の間に
ex) In less than no time they found that they owed over $10,000.
すぎに彼らは 10,000ドルの借りがあることに気が付いた
in less than no time: very quickly or soon
ex) The concert ended in less time than originally anticipated. 


□ in the short run 短期的に
ex) Their policy may seem successful in the short run.
彼らの政策は 短期的には成功に思えた
in the short run: at a time that is near in the future
ex) It's not a long term solution, but it will save money in the short run.

□ ephemeral     はかない、短命な
   ex) Memory is eternal and life is ephemeral.
ephemeral: something that lasts for a very short time
ex) Fashions are ephemeral.

□ truncate (時間など)短縮する、(文章)切り詰める、(数字)切り捨てる
ex) He was a sensational player whose career was truncated by injuries.
彼は 怪我により 短いキャリアに終わってしまった 素晴らしい選手である
truncate: shorten the duration or extent of
ex) Truncate detailed explanations.

□ curtail 削減する、短縮する
The trains are running on a curtailed schedule.
curtail: reduce in extent or quantity; impose a restriction on.
ex) Boss can legally curtail break time, unless you have contract.



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