英語で Scholarship - 奨学金・育英資金・学生ローン- TOP

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「Scholarship - 奨学金・育英資金・学生ローン」 に関する 英単語 & イデオム

□ scholarship (大学の給付型)奨学金、育英資金
ex) 63% of all undergraduates receiving at least one scholarship.
63% の大学生は 少なくとも一つの奨学金を受けている
scholarship: an amount of money that is given by a school, an organization, etc., to a student to help pay for the student's education
ex) She got a scholarship to Yale University.

□ undergraduate (大学院生に対して)大学生、大学の学部課程
ex) A low-interest loan for undergraduate students that covers 100% of school-certified expenses.
大学生向けの低金利ローンは 学校が認可する費用を 100% カバーする
undergraduate: : a student at a college or university who has not yet earned a degree
ex) UC Davis offers merit-based scholarships for undergraduate students ranging from $100 to $14,000 per year.

□ award 与える
ex) Scholarships are merit-based and awarded to students based on their academic achievements.
奨学金は 学業成績を基に 実績に基づき 学生に与えられる
award: to give (a reward or prize) to someone or something
ex) A prize will be awarded to the student who has an excellent academic record?

□ student loan 学生ローン、奨学金
ex) The average interest rate on a private student loan can range from around 4 percent to 17 percent.
学生ローンの平均的な利子率は 4~17% である
student loan: money you borrow from the federal government or a private organization to pay for college expense and repay later with interest
ex) Unlike federal student loans, scholarships do not have to be paid back.

□ cover cost 費用を賄う
ex) With the rising cost of higher education, many students are looking for ways to cover the cost.
高等教育費の上昇に伴い 多くの学生が 費用を賄う方法を模索している
cover: to provide the amount of money needed to buy, do, or make something
ex) Private loans can be used to cover certified expenses, such as tuition and fees.

□ college fund 大学進学資金(の貯蓄)
ex) Start a college fund for yourself.
大学進学のための 貯蓄を始めよう
funds: amounts of money that are available to be spent
ex) A 529 plan is a tax-advantaged account that can be used to pay for qualified education expenses.

□ grant 授与されたもの、補助金交付
ex) In general, grants are given based on financial-need.
一般的に補助金交付は 財政的な支援を求める人に 与えられる
grant: agree to give or allow (something requested) to
ex) Grants and scholarships are kinds of financial aid that you don't have to pay back.

□ repay 返金する、お金を返す
ex) Scholarships can help pay for college, and don't have to be repaid.
奨学金は 大学の学費を払うのに役立ち、返金する必要もない
repay: pay back (a loan, debt, or sum of money)
ex) Make a plan and begin repaying your student loan.

□ repayment 返済、(借金などの)返済能力
ex) Evaluate different repayment plans for your student loans.
異なる 学生ローンの返済方法について吟味してみよう
repayment: the action of paying back a loan
ex) The federal government is a major provider of financial aid that requires repayment under certain circumstances.



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