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「Kind - Obliging - 親切・配慮・優しい」 に関する 英単語 & イデオム
□ kind 親切な、優しい
ex) It was very kind of you to show me the way.
私に 道を教えてくれて とても親切ですね
kind: having or showing a gentle nature and a desire to help others
ex) A kind old woman took the cat in and nursed it back to health.
■ good turn 善行、親切な行い
ex) He did you a good turn by raising money.
彼はあなたに 募金をして、善行を行なった
a good turn: a helpful and friendly act
ex) We were taught to do a good turn every day.
私たちは 毎日 親切な行いをするようにと 教わった
■ a heart of gold 心優しい人、思いやりのある心
ex) She's got a heart of gold.
a heart of gold: a very kind and good nature
ex) He plays the part of a tough cop on TV who really has a heart of gold.
彼は テレビドラマで タフで優しい心の 警官役を演じている
□ accommodating (協力的で)親切な、人の良い
ex) The chef can be very accommodating, often cooking meals that aren't even on the menu.
そのシェフや とても親切で メニューにない食事を よく作ってくれた
accommodating: willing to do what someone else wants or requests
ex) She seems less accommodating to the demands of her boss than she used to be.
□ obliging 良心的な、親切な
ex) He found an obliging doctor who gave him the drugs he needed.
親切な医師が彼の必要とする薬を 彼に渡した
obliging : willing to help : helpful in a friendly way
ex) A passerby obligingly helped her with her packages.
□conscience 良心、自制心、誠実さ
ex) You should decide what to do according to your own conscience.
conscience: the part of the mind that makes you aware of your actions as being either morally right or wrong
ex) Her conscience was bothering her, so she finally told the truth.
□ hospitable 親切でもてなしてくれる、手厚い
ex) They were very hospitable to their guests.
彼らは 宿泊者たちを 親切にもてなした
hospitable: generous and friendly to guests or visitors
ex) The people of that country are very hospitable.
□ extend (援助、親切、お金など)施す、与える
ex) Extending kindness need not cost one cent.
親切を施すことに お金はかからない
extend: : to offer (something, such as an apology) to someone
ex) Students extended support to guest lecturers.
□ discretion 分別、思慮、思慮深さ
ex) He always uses care and discretion when dealing with others.
彼は 他人と接する時は いつも配慮と思慮を用いる
discretion : the quality of being discreet
ex) She handled the awkward situation with great discretion.
■ heart in the right place 親切な、優しい
ex) You heart is in the right place.
heart in the right place: kind, considerate, and generous
ex) He's an odd man but his heart is in the right place.
□ be all heart 優しく 親切な
ex) She's all heart.
彼女は 優しく とても親切である
all heart: to be very kind and generous
ex) My son is all heart, always giving up his toys to his friends and classmates.
□ tender-hearted 優しい(女性)
ex) I have a loyal and tender-hearted friend.
私には信頼がおける 優しい友人がいる
tender-hearted: having a kind, gentle, or sentimental nature.
ex) We are tender-hearted people who give hugs all day.
□ loving 愛情が深い、優しい
ex) She's a loving person.
loving: feeling or showing love
ex) She's very loving.