英語で Dexterity - Handiness - 器用・不器用- TOP

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「Dexterity - Handiness - 器用・不器用」 に関する 英単語 & イデオム

dexterity 器用さ
ex) Children need dexterity in the hands for success with daily fine motor activities.
子供たちは 日々の微細運動神経 の活用がうまく行うために 手先の器用さが必要である

□ manual dexterity 手作業の器用さ
ex) Several hobbies are known to improve manual dexterity.
いくつかの趣味は 手先の器用さを改善するのに 役立つことで知られている
dexterity: skill in performing tasks, especially with the hands
ex) He caught the ball with great dexterity.

□ dexterous 器用な、巧妙な、機敏な
ex) She has the strong, dexterous hands of a surgeon.
彼女は外科医として 力量と 手先の器用さを持ち合わせている
dexterous: showing or having skill, especially with the hands
ex) Baseball players have to be fast and dexterous.

□ fine motor skill 微細運動神経(指先などの細かな動き)
ex) These fine motor skills continue to develop up to age 10.
これらの微細運動神経は 10才になるまで 発達を続ける
fine motor skill: the movements and coordination of the small muscles of the body, typically thought of as the movements that involve the fingers and the hands
ex) Fine motor skills develop from birth to adulthood.

□ refine (技などを)磨く、改善する
ex) By age 12, kids are still refining their dexterity.
12才になるまで 子供たちは 器用さを 磨いている
refine: improve (something) by making small changes
ex) What are some things I can do to refine my manual dexterity skills?

□ handle object 物を扱う
ex) We have opposable thumbs for grasping and handling objects.
私たちは 物を掴んだり、扱うために 親指が他の指と対置(向かい合せに)している
handle : to touch, feel, hold, or move (something) with your hand
ex) Finger dexterity activities are designed to help kids improve their ability to handle small objects.

□ independent with ... (...が 自分でできるようになる、自律的になる
For this age, dexterity comes into play and children become more independent with clothing fasteners
independent: not controlled by other people
ex) Learn how independent reading can have a positive impact on your child's development.

□ in-hand manipulation (指や手のひらを用い)片手で 操作する能力
ex) A child with poor in-hand manipulation can be observed manipulating objects with both hands.
片手で物事を操作することが苦手な子どもは 物を両手で取り扱う傾向がある
in-hand manipulation: the ability to move a small object around within a single hand
ex) In-hand manipulation is the ability to move objects within the palm and fingertips with good control.

□ handiness  器用さ
ex) He can do any sort of work requiring handiness and dexterity.
指先の器用さを要する いかなる作業も 彼は得意とする
handiness: skillfulness with the hands.
ex) The handiness skill allows you to repair objects and make things unbreakable.
手先の器用さにより 物を修理したり、壊れないようにするための 工夫が可能になる

「Clumsy - 不器用な・ぎこちない」 に関する 英語表現

□ all thumbs 不器用な
ex) I'm all the thumbs.
all thumbs: clumsy
ex) I am all thumbs when it comes to shuffling cards.
トランプを切る時 私はとても不器用である

□ clumsy 不器用な
ex) I'm very clumsy.
clumsy: awkward in movement or in handling things.
ex) The cold made his fingers clumsy.
寒さが私の指を 不器用にした

□ two left feet (ダンスなど)ぎこちない、動きが不器用である
ex) I'll never get the hang of this dance; I've got two left feet.
two left feet: used to describe a person who dances badly
ex) My wife is a good dancer, but I've got two left feet.

□ klutz  のろまな人、不器用な人
ex) He's a klutz.
klutz: a clumsy person
ex) How can she be such a klutz after studying ballet for so many years?
何年もバレエを習っているのに どうして彼女の動きはそんなに ぎこちないのだろうか?

□ ham-handed   (動作など)ぎこちない、不器用な
ex) The actress gave a ham-handed performance.
その女優は ぎこちない演技を披露した
doing things in an awkward or unskilled way when using the hands or dealing with people
ex) The apology was rather ham-handed.



騙す・騙される 怪我・外傷 心配・不安 ボートを漕ぐ 批判・皮肉 嘘・騙す 冷静な・落ち着いた