英語で Calm - Collected - 冷静・落ち着き - TOP

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「Calm - Collected - 冷静・落ち着き」 に関する 英単語 & イデオム

□ calm (気分など)冷静な、落ち着いた、温和な
ex) The teacher asked us to remain calm.
先生は 私たちに冷静でいるようにと 頼んだ
calm: not angry, upset, excited, etc.
ex) I suddenly had a great feeling of calmness.

  collected (感情など)落ち着いている、平静な
ex) I'm calm and collected.

collected: (of a person) not perturbed or distracted.
ex) Outwardly they are cool, calm, and collected.
外見上、彼らは とても冷静で 落ち着いていた

□ calm one's nerves 気分を落ち着かせる
ex) To calm your nerves quickly, try deep breathing exercises.
calm: to become or to cause (someone) to become less upset, emotional, excited, etc.
ex) I always have green tea to calm my nerves.

□ settle the nerves   気分が落ち着く
ex) Rocking settled the baby.
揺らすことで その赤ちゃんは落ち着いた
settle: to make (someone or something) quiet or calm
ex) To settle my nerves, I got in the car and drive out to the harbor.

  equanimity 落ち着き、平静、冷静
ex) She accepted her misfortunes with equanimity.
彼女は 自身の不運を冷静に受け止めた

equanimity: calm emotions when dealing with problems or pressure
ex) He accepted both the good and the bad with equanimity.
彼は良いことも 悪いことも 冷静に受け止めた

□ be cool-headed 冷静な、冷静沈着な
ex) He appeared calm and coolheaded.
cool-headed: not easily worried or excited.
ex) One quality of a good teacher is the ability to stay coolheaded at all times.

□ level-headed     冷静な、分別のある
ex) You have to keep level-headed because you're the leader out there.
あなたは リーダーなのだから、冷静さを保たなければいけない
level-headed: calm and sensible.
ex) She was glad to have the advice of someone so levelheaded.

□ in peace     冷静に、静かに、落ち着いて
ex) Those questions should be accepted in peace.
そのような質問は 冷静に受け取られるべきだ
in peace: in a state of quiet and calm
ex) Now the children have gone, perhaps I can get on with my work in peace.

□ keep a cool head 冷静さを保つ
ex) Keeping a cool head is imperative for every firefighter.
冷静さを保つこととは 全ての消防士に不可欠だ
keep a cool head: to stay calm in a difficult situation
ex) The opportunities are flying at you this month, which is great, but keep a cool head.

□ be self-possessed     冷静な
ex) he sounded calm and self-possessed.
彼の言葉は 冷静で 落ち着いていた
self-possessed: calm, confident, and in control of one's feelings; composed
ex) She was a good student, curious and self-possessed.

□ with aplomb     落ち着いて
ex) She played several roles with equal aplomb.
彼女はどの役割に関しても 同様に冷静にこなした
self-confidence or assurance, especially when in a demanding situation
ex) He handled the awkward situation with aplomb, putting everyone at ease.

 get a grip 冷静になる
ex) Get a grip on yourself. 

get a grip: keep or recover one's self-control.
ex) So far the country has failed to get a grip on its inflation rate.
目下の所 その国は インフレの割合に 落ち着きを取り戻すことが 出来ていない

 together 落ち着いている、自信があり冷静な
ex) She's always so together.
彼女はいつも 自信があり 冷静だ

together: confident, organized, and able to deal with problems in a calm and skillful way
ex) Put yourself together.

□ cool off 落ち着く
ex) After the fight both men need to cool off.
喧嘩の後は 双方が 冷静にならなければ ならない
cool off: become quiet or calm, especially after a state of agitation ex)
ex Gold prices have cooled off just a bit.



混乱・慌てる 騙す・騙される 怪我・外傷 心配・不安 ボートを漕ぐ 批判・皮肉 嘘・騙す