英語で Criticize - Satire - 批判・皮肉 - TOP

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「Criticize - Satire - 批判・皮肉」 に関する 英単語 & イデオム

criticize 批判、批評
ex) The judge was widely criticized for his verdict.
判事は その評決のために 広く 批判を受けた

critical: to express disapproval of (someone or something) : to talk about the problems or faults of (someone or something)
ex) The editor criticized the author's work as trite.
その編集者は 著者の作品を 平凡であると 批評した

trite  古くさい、皮肉な、平凡な
The critics dismissed the artist's work as trite, lacking depth.
批評家は その芸術家の作品を 深みに欠けた 平凡なものと 片づけた

trite: not interesting or effective because of being used too often : not fresh or original
ex) That argument has become trite.
討論は 平凡なものであった

□ criticism    批判
ex) Public criticism can feel unnecessarily harsh.
一般人の批判は 不必要なまでに辛辣であった
criticism: the act of expressing disapproval and of noting the problems or faults of a person or thing
  ex) There was much public criticism directed/leveled at the senator.

□ satire 皮肉、風刺
ex) Her play was a cruel satire on life in the 80s.
彼女の演劇は 1980年代の性格を強烈に風刺するものであった
satire: the art of making someone or something look ridiculous, raising laughter in order to embarrass, humble, or discredit its targets
ex) Politicians are easy targets for satire, especially when they're acting self-righteous or hypocritical.

□ irony  皮肉
ex) It was a tragic irony that he made himself sick by worrying so much about his health.
彼は自分の健康状態を気にしすぎ 病気になってしまったというのは 悲しい皮肉である
irony: : the use of words that mean the opposite of what you really think especially in order to be funny
ex) He has a strong sense of irony.

□ ironic 皮肉な
She has an ironic sense of humor.
彼には 皮肉のユーモアセンスがある
ironic: using words that mean the opposite of what you really think especially in order to be funny
ex) It is ironic that the robber's car crashed into a police station.

 biting      皮肉な
ex) He has a biting tongue.
彼は 毒舌の持ち主だ

biting: sarcastic
ex) He left a biting remark.
彼は 皮肉に満ちた言葉を残した


□ lampoon (軽い)皮肉
ex) The actor was lampooned by the press.
その俳優は 記者から皮肉を言われた
publicly criticize (someone or something) by using ridicule, irony, or sarcasm
ex) The politician was lampooned in cartoons.

knock    あら探しをする、批判する
ex) He's always knocking the government.

knock: to criticize
ex) Don't knock it until you've tried it.
自分で試す前に 批判をしないで
= wait until you try something before criticizing it

□ censorious  あら探しをする、批判的な
ex) They turned a censorious eye on him.
  彼らは 彼に対し 批判的な目を向ける
censorious: severely critical of others
ex) I was surprised by the censorious tone of the book review.

□ cynical 皮肉な、あざけった
ex) He has got into a cynical mindset. 
    彼は 批判的な固定観念に入る
cynical: believing that people are generally selfish and dishonest
ex) Cynical people say there is no such thing as true love.



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