英語で Boat Rowing - ボートを漕ぐ - TOP

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「Boat Rowing - ボートを漕ぐ」 に関する 英単語 & イデオム

□ boat ボート、小船
ex) Most people fish with live or frozen bait when they go fishing on a boat.
ボートで釣りに出かける時、ほとんどの人は 生きた餌か、冷凍の餌を 使用する
boat: a small vessel propelled on water by oars, sails, or an engine
ex) When boats are on calm water, the water moves it back and forth.

pontoon boat 平底船
ex) Mini pontoon boats that are ideal for fishing small ponds.
小型の 平底船は 小さな池での 釣りに適している

pontoon boat a flattish boat that relies on floats to remain buoyant
ex) The stable two-person pontoon boat offers excellent versatility and portability.
その2人乗り用の 平底船は、多用途であり、持ち運びにも便利である

□ row (ボートや船を)漕ぐ
ex) The best way to prepare you to row on a boat is by building your body strength.
row: propel (a boat) with oars
ex) Today we are going to teach you how to row a boat.

rubber dinghy ゴムボート
ex) Our inflatable fishing boats are perfect for fishing.
私たちの 空気注入式のゴムボートは 釣りに最適です

dinghy: a small rubber boat that is used by people escaping from a sinking boat
ex) While rubber dinghies can be used for multiple purposes, a life raft is an item made exclusively for providing safety.
ゴムボートは 多様な目的で使われるが、救命ゴムボートは 安全提供のため のみで使用される

□ rowboat こぎ船、漕艇
ex) A rowboat is a small boat that you move through the water by using oars.
こぎ船とは、オールを使って 水面を移動する 小さなボートを指す
rowboat: a small boat propelled by use of oars
ex) Some rowboats will come with foot stretchers that will need to be adjusted to the length of your legs.

□ move through the water 水面を進む
ex) How do boats float and move on the water?
move through: make a passage or journey from one place to another
ex) The boat is moving across the water.

□ rower ボートの漕ぎ手、ボート選手
ex) One of the rowers is responsible for steering the boat.
漕ぎ手の一人が ボートの舵取り役をつとめる
rower: a person who rows a boat, especially as a sport
ex) What oars do Olympic rowers use?

□ oar オール、櫂(かい)
ex) She gripped the oars and began rowing the boat to shore.
oar: a long pole that is flat and wide at one end and that is used for rowing and steering a boat
ex) Your oars provide balance to your boat.

□ oarlock (ボートの)オール受け
ex) If you aren't sure where to sit, look for where the oarlocks are located.
もし ボートでどこに座ってよいか分からない場合は、オール受けの位置を確かめて
oarlock: a device that attaches an oar to the side of a rowboat.
ex) Most oarlocks are built into the sides of the boat.

backwards 後ろへ、後ろ向きに
ex) Sit down backwards in the middle of the boat.

backwards: (of a movement) away from one's front
ex) The action of rowing is backwards, that is, the force of rowing propels you backwards.
ボートは 後ろ向きで櫓を漕いで前に進む。 漕ぐ力 の作用の強さによって反作用としての推進力を得る

□ oarblade オールブレード(ボートで、オールの先端の水をかく部分)
ex) Make sure blades are just underneath the surface of the water.
オールのブレードが水面の下側にあることを 確かめて
oarblade: the flanged portion of an oar; not the handle nor the shaft.
ex) Measure the oar from the end of the grip to the end of the blade.



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