英語で Injury - Wound - 怪我・負傷 - TOP

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「Injury - Wound - 怪我・負傷」 に関する 英単語 & イデオム

"Wound" と "Bruise" は 共に "怪我" を意味しますが、意味上の違いはありますか?

"Wound" は "出血を伴う 怪我" を意味し、"Bruise" は "打撲" の意味を持ちます。

"A wound is usually caused by a sharp object but bruises are the results of blunt force or trauma. "

□ wound 外傷、(刃物などで故意に)傷つける
ex) Four people were seriously wounded in the explosion.
爆発事故により 4人が重症を負った
wound: to injure (someone or something) by cutting or breaking the skin
ex) The soldier's leg was wounded by a grenade.

□ bruise 打撲
ex) He had a bad bruise on his leg after he fell.
彼は転倒により 脚に打撲を負った
bruise: a dark and painful area on your skin that is caused by an injury
ex) His arms and legs were badly bruised in the accident.

□ injury 怪我
ex) He suffered an injury in a traffic accident.
   彼は 交通事故で怪我をした
injury: harm or damage
ex) I was treated for an injury.

□ injure 怪我をする、負傷する
ex) She fell and injured herself.
彼女は転んで 怪我をした
injure: to harm or damage (someone or something)
ex) She fell and slightly injured her arm.

□ come back from ... (怪我などから)回復する
ex) I am just coming back from a shoulder injury.
私は 肩の怪我から回復しつつある
come back: as in to recover
ex) She's slowly coming back after being in a coma.

□ scratch   かすり傷<
ex) It's only a scratch.
scratch: a shallow and narrow cut in the skin that is caused by something sharp
ex) Scratches don't leave a permanent mark.

□ orthopedic 整形外科の
ex) She's an orthopedic surgeon.
orthopedic: used in the treatment of illnesses and injuries that affect bones and muscles
ex) She was wearing orthopedic shoes.

□ skin over     (怪我の後)皮ができる
ex) The wound will skin over soon.
skin over: grow new skin over an injury
ex) The scab's job is to protect the wound as the damaged skin heals underneath.

□ scrape 擦り傷、かすり傷を負う
ex) I fell down and scraped my knee.
私は 転んで膝をすりむいた
scrape: : to damage (the surface of something) or hurt (a part of your body) by rubbing something rough or sharp against it or by making it rub against something rough or sharp
ex) She scraped her fingernails across the blackboard.

 vulnerary  傷薬、傷を治す
ex) Aloe vera is well-known as a vulnerary.
アロエは 傷薬としても知られている

vulnerary: a medicine used in the healing of wounds
  ex) The flowers of this perennial herb are reputed to be vulnerary and anodyne.

□ be sore to the the touch   触ると痛い
ex) My upper inside thighs are sore to the touch.
私の 内膝上部は触ると痛い
sore: : feeling or affected by pain
ex) Why does my skin hurt to touch even if there's no rash?


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