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「Mix Up / Confuse - 混乱・混同・慌てる」 に関する 英単語 & イデオム
□ confuse 混乱させる、混同させる
ex) You must be confusing me with someone else.
私と 他の誰かを混同させているに違いない
confuse: to make (something) difficult to understand
ex) The new evidence only confused matters further.
□ mix up 混乱させる、混同する
ex) I'd got her mixed up with her sister.
私は 彼女と彼女の妹を混同した
mix up: confuse someone or something with another person or thing
ex) People often mix us up because we look so similar.
□ lose one's composure 心の平静さを失う、冷静さを失う
ex) You may feel nervous but don't lose your composure in front of the camera.
緊張するかもしれないが、カメラの前では 冷静さを失わないで
composure: the quality of being calm and not emotional
□ befuddled (頭が)混乱する
ex) Many people are totally befuddled by the tax code.
多くの人が その税法に 頭を混乱させていた
befuddled: unable to think clearly : very confused
ex) The paperwork left me completely befuddled.
□ lose one's cool 平常心を失う、(怒って)取り乱す
ex) I really lost my cool during the interview.
lose one's cool: to suddenly get angry and behave in a bad-tempered or uncontrolled way
ex) He really lost his cool when the waiter dropped his food.
□ freak out びくびくさせる、怖がらせる、感情的になる
ex) I remember the first time I went onstage. I freaked out completely.
初めて舞台に上がった時 完全に慌ててしまったことを覚えている
freak out: to lose or cause to lose emotional control from extreme excitement, shock, fear, joy, despair, etc
ex) Her latest album just freaked me out.
彼女の最新アルバムを聴いて とても感情的になった
□ muddle (思考を)混乱させる
ex) I always get their names muddled up [=mixed up] in my mind.
私はいつも彼らの名前を 混同する
muddle: to cause confusion in (someone or someone's mind)
ex) My mind was muddled by too much advice.
□ addle (思考が)混乱する
ex) Their brains were addled with fear.
彼らの思考は 恐怖で混乱した
addle: to make (someone's mind or brain) unable to think clearly
ex) He's been addled by years of drug and alcohol abuse.
□ fluster 混乱する、慌てさせる
ex) Nothing flusters her.
fluster: to make (someone) nervous and confused
ex) The interruption flustered the speaker.
その通訳された言葉は 話し手を混乱させた
□ panic 慌てる、うろたえる
ex) If something goes wrong, don't panic.
もし うまく行かないことがあっても 慌てないで
panic: : to be overcome with extreme fear
ex) The deer, panicked by the headlights, ran in front of the car.
□ disarray 混乱させる、無秩序状態にする、混乱
ex) Ever since the oil crisis, the industry has been in disarray.
石油危機が始まって以来 業界は 混乱状態に陥っている
desarray: the state of being confused and having no organization or of being messy
ex) Her clothes were in disarray.
■ confound 混乱させる、驚かせる
ex) Investors were confounded by the conflicting reports.
投資者たちは 矛盾のある報告書に 頭を混乱させた
confound: to surprise and confuse
ex) The strategy confounded our opponents.
その戦略は 対抗者たちを混乱させた
無関心・興味がない□ 貝類・巻貝□ 体重が増える・太る□ 注意・警告□ お返し・見返り□ 銃器・銃撃□ 足し算・引き算□