英語で Add - Subtract / 足し算 - 引き算 - TOP

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「Add - Subtract / 足し算 - 引き算」 に関する 英単語 & イデオム

□ addition 足し算
ex) Addition is the most basic concept in math.
足し算は 算数における最も基礎的な概念である
addition: the process or skill of calculating the total of two or more numbers or amounts
ex) Between the ages of 5 and 7, your child will start working on simple addition.

□ addition sum 足し算の合計
ex) An addition sum might be written out like this, 2 + 5 = 7.
足し算の合計は 2 + 5 = 7 のように 書き表す
sum: the whole number or amount when two or more numbers or amounts have been added together
ex) The sum of 13 and 8 is 21.

□ subtraction 引き算
ex) Before they start school, most children develop an understanding of addition and subtraction through everyday interactions.
小学校入学前に ほとんどの子供たちは 日常の交流を通して、足し算と 引き算の理解を形成している
subtraction: the process or skill of taking one number or amount away from another
ex) Subtraction facts can be tricky for students to memorize.

be left ... (引き算の後) 残り ... になる
ex) Taking 7 from 10 leaves 3.
10から3を引くと 7になる

ex) When you subtract 4 from 7, you are left with 3.
leave: to have (a number) as a remainder
ex) If you were to have five beads and then someone took two of them away, how many would be left?

□ inverse operations 逆算、逆演算
ex) Addition and subtraction are the inverse operations of each other.
足し算と 引き算は お互いに逆算できる関係にある
inverse operation: an operation that undoes what was done by the previous operation
ex) An inverse operation reverses a calculation that has been completed by using the opposite operation.

□ undo (行為の結果を)元へ戻す
ex) You can undo an addition through subtraction.
足し算の答えを、引き算を用いて 最初の数字に戻すことができる
undo: the operation that undoes what was done by the previous operation
ex) Subtraction can undo addition.

□ take away (計算)引く
ex) Seven take away four is three.
take away: to subtract a number
ex) Ten take away four means 10 – 4.
10引く4 は 10-4 である

□ carry up (計算)繰り上がり = carry
ex) Carry the amount of ten to the next column.
足し算で 合計10 を左側の隣りに 繰り上げて書いて
carry: there is a shifting of leading digits into the next column to the left when the sum of that column exceeds a single digit
ex) 78 + 44: 8 + 4 = 12. Since 12 is greater than 9 (the maximum digit in base 10), we create a carry of 1.

□ borrow (引き算) (上の位から)借りる = carry-down
ex) Cross out the number you're borrowing from.
引き算で 上の位から 借り終えたら その数字を消去して
borrow: the process of taking away a certain number of objects from one group and transferring them to another group
ex) If the number on top is smaller, then you need to borrow 10 from the digit in the next column.

□ negative number  (算数)負の数、負数
ex) When you multiply a negative number by a positive number then the product is always negative.
負の数と 正の数を 掛けると 答えは必ず 負の数になる
negative number: s a number that is less than zero
ex) A negative number times a negative number equals a positive number.

□ mental calculation 暗算
ex) Mental calculation takes practice.
mental calculation: arithmetical calculations using only the human brain, with no help from any supplies
ex) Today I talk about tips and tricks you can easily learn to boost your mental maths, saving you minutes in exams.


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