英語で Open Fire - 拳銃・弾薬・銃撃戦 - TOP

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「Open Fire - 拳銃・弾薬・銃撃戦」 に関する 英単語 & イデオム

Q. "Pistol" と "Gun" はどちらも "拳銃" の意味を持ちますが、使い分け方に違いはありますか?

A."Pistol" は "拳銃 = Handgun" の意味を持ち "片手で持てる "小型拳銃 = Pistol" を意味します。 "Gun" は "Rifle = ライフル" などを含む 銃類 全てを表します。

□ pistol ピストル、拳銃
ex) The man shot the police officer once with a pistol.
その男は 警察官に向けて ピストルを一発 発射した
pistol: a type of handgun, characterised by a barrel with an integral chamber
The assassin shot the two men with a 9mm automatic pistol.

□ handgun ピストル、拳銃
ex) Hold a handgun with a two-handed grip.
両手で持つ グリップ部分で 拳銃を持って
handgun: : a firearm (such as a revolver or pistol) designed to be held and fired with one hand
ex) No matter the handgun you own, a proper handling technique is crucial for achieving maximum accuracy.

□ caliber 銃の口径
ex) It was only a 9mm caliber pistol, a modestly powerful firearm, but my head snapped back at its first.
caliber: a kind of measurement that can describe either the level of a person's ability or the diameter of a gun barrel
ex) What rifle caliber should you choose for big game hunting?

□ firearms 火器、銃器
ex) The handgun is the most difficult of firearms to shoot well.
拳銃は うまく撃つのが最も難しい銃である
firearm: any type of gun that uses an explosive charge and is designed to be readily carried and used by an individual
ex) People are generally prohibited from purchasing firearms if they have been convicted of a felony.

□ ammunition 銃弾、弾薬
The troops were supplied with weapons and ammunition.
その部隊には 銃と弾薬が支給された
ammunition: a supply or quantity of bullets and shells
ex) Fire only one piece of ammunition.

□ the shot 撃つ人、射手
ex) He was an excellent shot at short and long distances.
彼は 短距離、長距離の射撃に優れた射手である
shot: a person with a specified level of ability in shooting
ex) He was not a particularly good shot because of his eyesight.

□ strike the mark (射撃など)的に当てる
ex) If the shot released without moving the gun, then the bullet will strike the mark.
もし 銃が動くことなく 弾が発射されるなら、銃弾は的に当たるであろう
strike: to hit (someone or something) in a forceful way
ex) He raised his hand, as if to strike me.

bull's-eye (狙いを定める)標的、命中
ex) They put a bulls-eye on the governor and labeled him public enemy No. 1.
彼らは 知事に標的を絞り、一番の敵であるとレッテルを貼った

bull's eye: the center of the target in sports such as archery, shooting, and darts
ex) This aiming bulls-eye is of the diameter of three bullet widths.
射撃用の的は 銃弾3つ分の幅が 直径である

be hit by a stray bullet  流れ弾に当たる
ex) The woman injured after she was struck by a stray bullet.
その女性は 流れ弾に当たった後、負傷した

stary bullet: a bullet that misses it's intended target, hitting some random or otherwise innocent person
ex) Many innocent bystanders have been killed by stray bullets.
罪のない通行人たちが 流れ弾の犠牲となった

□ open fire  発砲・砲撃を開始する
ex) The man on a scooter allegedly opened fire on them at a street corner.
スクーターに乗った男が、彼らに向けて 路上で発砲したと伝えられている
open fire: to start shooting, or start shooting someone or something
ex) Two unidentified gunmen opened fire on a group of students on a rural campus of the University.

□ fire a warning shot 威嚇射撃をする
ex) The Supreme Court ruled firing warning shots can be considered self-defense.
最高裁判所は 威嚇射撃を正当防衛であると 定義している
warning shot: to do something in order to warn someone that you will take strong action if that person does not change their behavior
ex) There is evidence that a safely placed warning shot can shock a suspect into compliant behavior that precludes shooting the suspect.

□ accidental firing 暴発 = accidental discharge
ex) About 1% of all gun deaths are preventable, unintentional discharges.
銃による志望者の 約1%が 回避できる 暴発によるものである
accidental firing: the event of a firearm discharging (firing) at a time not intended by the user
ex) Guns kept in homes are more likely to be involved in a fatal or nonfatal accidental shooting.

□ exchange of fire 砲撃の応酬、砲撃戦、銃撃戦
ex) Soldiers exchange fire with militants on a near-daily basis.
兵隊たちは 過激派とほぼ毎日 銃撃戦を行なっている exchange of fire: to shoot at each other
ex) He and the police officer exchanged fire.



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