英語で Quid Pro Quo - In Return - お返し・見返り・代償 - TOP

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「Quid Pro Quo - In Return - お返し・見返り・代償」 に関する 英単語 & イデオム

□ in return for …   …のお礼に、返礼・代償として
ex) The farmer offered us food in return for our work.
農夫は 私たちの仕事への返礼として 食料を提供した
in return for: as an exchange for something
ex) She's looking for a place to live in return for housekeeping.

□ in exchange for ... ... と交換・引換えに、代わり・見返りに
ex) I might offer them my old camera in part exchange for a new one.
新しいカメラとの 交換物の一部として 私の古いカメラを提供するかも知れない
in exchange for: in return for
ex) The guests were given cookies in exchange for the ones they brought.

□ quid pro quo お返し、見返り
ex) If he helps us, he'll expect a quid pro quo. (= He'll expect us to do something for him)
もし、彼が私たちを助けるのであれば、彼は 見返りを期待するであろう
quid pro quo : something that is given to you or done for you in return for something you have given to or done for someone else

make up for ... 償いとして、埋め合わせとして
ex) He was eager to make up for lost time.
彼は失った時間を 埋め合わせようと 一生懸命であった

make up for: compensate for something lost, missed, or deficient
ex) You do not make up for a century of underinvestment overnight.
1世紀に渡る 投資不足を 一晩で埋め合わせられない

compensatory   代償的な、償いの
ex) Eligible employees earn compensatory leave on an hour-for-hour basis.
該当する従業員は、1時間の残業に対し 1時間の代休(時間)を得る

compensatory: given or paid to someone in exchange for something that has been lost or damaged, or to pay for something that has been done
ex) He was awarded $3 million in compensatory damages.
彼は 損害賠償請求 で 300万ドルを 受け取った

 reward (名) 報償、懸賞、見返り
ex) This job has its rewards. 
その仕事は 十分な見返りがある

reward: something given in exchange for good behavior or good work, etc.
ex) The rewards of motherhood outweigh the anguish.
母親として受け取る 報いは、出産の痛みよりも 大きい

□ trade-off      代償 
ex) Did you sense any big tradeoffs in performance ? 
trad-off: a giving up of one thing in return for another
ex) The tradeoff in a democracy is between individual liberty and an orderly society.

□ pay the price to be … … になるための代償を払う
ex) You're not serious about paying the price to be successful.
pay the price: to suffer the consequences of someone's actions
ex) He drank so much last night and now he's paying the price for it.



関心・興味 南極・北極 無視する・信号無視 無関心・興味がない 貝類・巻貝 体重が増える・太る 注意・警告