英語で Weight Gain - 体重が増える・太る・脂肪 - TOP

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「Weight Gain - 体重が増える・太る・脂肪」 に関する 英単語 & イデオム

□ put on weight 体重が増える、太る
ex) I put on a lot of weight when I lost my job.
put on weight: become heavier and fatter
ex) Why am I just putting weight on?

□ gain weight 体重が増える
ex) What's a good way to gain weight if you're underweight?
体重が少ない時 どうすれば体重を増やすことができますか?
ex) weight: a measurement that indicates how heavy a person or thing is
Please indicate your height and weight on the form.

□ weigh ... の重さがある、体重は... である
ex) I weigh 180 pounds.
体重は 180パウンドです
weigh: to have a specified weight
ex) How much did I weigh when I was born?

□ obesity (極端な)肥満
ex) What causes obesity and overweight?
何故 肥満と体重増加は起こるのであろう
obesity: abnormal or excessive fat accumulation that presents a risk to health
ex) Examining your habits and making reasonable changes now can help you prevent future obesity and weight loss struggles.

pudgy  丸々とした、ずんぐりした
ex) Baby piglets are sometimes pudgy, but not the runts.
生まれたばかりの子豚は 太っていることもあるが、小さくはない

pudgy: : being short and plump
ex) The baby wrapped its pudgy little hand around my finger.
その赤ちゃんは 丸々とした小さな手で 私の指を掴んだ

□ flabby (体系)たるんだ、太って締まりのない
ex) This exercise helps to flatten a flabby stomach.
このエクササイズは 腹部のたるみを 平らにするのに役立つ
flabby: soft, loose, and fleshy
ex) I'll show you a 10-minute arm workout to get rid of flabby arms.

□ chubby 丸ぽちゃの、(可愛らしく)太目の
ex) Her cheeks were slightly chubby.
彼女の頬は わずかにふっくらしていた
chubby: slightly fat in a way that looks healthy and attractive
ex) Who's that chubby little girl with the dark hair?

plump 肉付きの良い、太り気味の
ex) Make your aging cheeks look plumper.
年令を重ねた頬を 肉付きよく見せましょう

plump: having a full rounded shape
ex) The berries were plump and sweet.
そのベリーは 肉付きよく甘味がある

plump up  膨らませる、膨らむ、太らせる
ex) She plumped up her pillows.
彼女は 枕を膨らませた

plump up: shake or pat (a cushion or pillow) to adjust its stuffing and make it rounded and soft
ex) Lips can be plumped up with injections.
唇は 注射により 肉付きがよくなる

□ rebound weight gain   (体重)リバウンド
ex) We see rebound weight gain almost every time.
ほとんど毎回 体重のリバウンドが起きている
rebound weight gain: significant weight loss at 6 months but subsequent regain of body weight during the next 18 months
ex) The average weight gain rebound is about two-thirds of the total weight loss.

□ belly fat 腹部の脂肪
ex) When a person consumes more calories than they expend for a period of time, it can cause weight and an increase in fat storage.
カロリー使用量よりも カロリー摂取量が多い期間が続くと 体重と 腹部の脂肪量が増加する
belly fat: fat around the abdomen
ex) Excess belly fat can increase the risk of heart disease.

□ visceral fat 内臓脂肪
ex) Aerobic exercise is especially effective at reducing visceral fat.
エアロビクスによる運動は 特に内臓脂肪を減らすことに役立つ
visceral fat: belly fat found deep within your abdominal cavity
ex) The good news about visceral fat is that it responds extremely well to diet and exercise.

□ on a diet ダイエット中である
ex) I didn't eat any cake because I'm on a diet.
ダイエット中なので ケーキは食べなかった
on a diet: eating less food or only particular kinds of food in order to lose weight
ex) Diets don't work long term.



姿勢・猫背 関心・興味 南極・北極 無視する・信号無視 無関心・興味がない 貝類・巻貝