英語で Spiral Shell - 貝類・巻貝・二枚貝 - TOP

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「Spiral Shell - 貝類・巻貝・二枚貝」 に関する 英単語 & イデオム

□ shellfish 貝類、甲殻類
ex) Shellfish are good for your brain and heart, but it’s common to have a food allergen to foods in this group.
貝類や甲殻類は 脳や心臓に良いが、このグループに属する食べ物は アレルギーを誘発する食品であることが多い
shellfish: an aquatic shelled mollusk (e.g. an oyster or cockle) or crustacean (e.g. a crab or shrimp), especially one that is edible
ex) Most shellfish live in saltwater, but the name also refers to species found in freshwater.

□ seashell 貝殻
ex) Display those beautiful seashells around your home.
これらの美しい貝殻を 家で飾りましょう
seashell: the shell of a marine animal and especially a mollusk.
ex) Always check each shell for an inhabitant. Only empties should leave the beach.

□ sea snail 巻貝(生物)
ex) Some well-known kinds of edible sea snails are abalone and conch.
食用の巻貝として有名なのは アワビとコンク貝である

sea snail: : a creeping marine gastropod mollusk with a spiral shell
ex) The Turban Snail is a powerhouse that helps keep live rock and aquarium glass free of algae.

turban shell  サザエ
ex) Turban shell has a lot of nutrients and scent of sea comes from inside of shell.

turban shell: a marine mollusk with a sculptured spiral shell and a distinctive operculum which is smooth on the inside and sculptured and typically patterned on the outside
ex) I've had turban conch, but the liver is incredibly bitter.

□ spiral shell らせん状の貝(巻貝)
ex) Shells can spiral to the right (dextral) or to the left (sinistral) .
巻貝の殻は 右巻きにも左巻きにもなれる
spiral: winding in a continuous and gradually widening (or tightening) curve, either around a central point on a flat plane or about an axis so as to form a cone
ex) The whelk is a sea snail from the family Buccinidae that has elegantly spiraled shells.

□ clam 二枚貝、ハマグリ
ex) The clam meat and juice should slide into your mouth.
ハマグリの肉部分と 汁を 口の中に流し込んで
clam: a marine bivalve mollusk with shells of equal size
ex) What city is known for clam chowder?

□ freshwater clam シジミ
ex) freshwater clam is a common ingredient in Japanese household cooking widely available in grocery stores and seafood shops.
シジミは 日本の家庭で一般的な食材で 生鮮食料品店や 魚屋で広く販売されている
freshwater clam: are small mollusks commonly found in natural and human-made ponds
ex) This steamed shellfish recipe is freshwater clams cooked with garlic, butter, herbs and lemon.

□ clamshell (機械)二枚貝の殻のように開閉できる構造
ex) Clamshell griddles are an innovative way to reduce cook times while promoting even cooking from both sides of an ingredient.
クラムシェルタイプの調理用鉄板は 食材を両面調理できる上、調理時間を削減する革新的な器具である
clamshell: the shell of a clam, formed of two roughly equal valves with a hinge
ex) Flip phones and laptop computers are sometimes called clamshells because they "open and close like a clam."

mollusk 軟体動物
ex) Clams and oysters are both bivalve mollusks.
二枚貝と牡蠣(かき)は共に 二枚貝の軟体動物である

ex) Shellfish can be divided into two groups: crustaceans and mollusks.
貝類は 甲殻類と軟体動物に 分類できる

mollusk: any of a large phylum (Mollusca) of invertebrate animals (such as snails, clams, or squids) with a soft unsegmented body usually enclosed in a calcareous shell
ex) Clams, oysters, mussels and squids are part of the mollusk family.
二枚貝、牡蠣、ムラサキイガイ、イカは 軟体動物に属する

□ shell horn ほら貝(法螺貝 / 楽器)
ex) Shell horns have been used for centuries by indigenous Carribeannatives.
法螺貝で作られた笛楽器は カリブ海の原住民によって 何世紀も使用されてきた
shell horn: a tradition in the Conch Republic used to call attention to an important event or celebration
ex) A horn made from a conch shell over 17,000 years ago has blasted out musical notes for the first time in millennia.

□ mussel (ムラサキ)イガイ
ex) This saffron-infused paella recipe is loaded with mussels, clams, and shrimp.
このサフランを施した パエリアの調理法は、ムラサキイガイや ハマグリ、エビをふんだんに使用する
mussel: a marine bivalve mollusk (especially genus Mytilus) usually having a dark elongated shell.
ex) This marinated mussel salad is out of the world!


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矛盾・逆接 姿勢・猫背 関心・興味 南極・北極 無視する・信号無視 無関心・興味がない