英語で Arctic Pole - 北極点・南極圏 - TOP

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「Arctic Pole - 北極点・南極圏」 に関する 英単語 & イデオム

the Arctic pole 北極(点) = the North Pole
ex) The Arctic Pole is the northern end of the Earth's axis, lying in the Arctic Ocean.
北極は北極海に位置する 地球の最北端 地点のことである

arcitic pole: the northern end of the Earth's axis
ex) What makes the Antarctic Pole so much colder than the Arctic Pole is that it sits on top of a very thick ice sheet, which itself sits on a continent.

南極が北極よりも ずっと寒い理由は、南極点が氷河として 大陸の上に位置しているからである

polar 極地の(南極の、北極の)
ex) The polar climate regions are characterized by a lack of warm summers but with varying winters.
極地の気候は、暖かい夏が少なく、様々な冬の気候があると 見なされている

polar: of or relating to a geographic pole or the region around it
ex) What countries are in the polar climate zone?
どの国の気候が 極地の気候帯に 属していますか?

polar opposite 正反対(のもの)
ex) In fact, some people's views will be the polar opposite to yours
実のところ 何人かの人たちの見解は 君のものとは 正反対である

polar opposite: an idiom often used to describe people and ideas that are opposites
ex) The policy should be the polar opposite of this.
その政策は これとは全くの正反対のものである

□ the Arctic Circle 北極圏
ex) The Arctic Circle is one of the five major circles of latitude.
北極圏は 主要5つの緯度圏の1つである
arctic circle: : the imaginary circle round the earth, parallel to the equator, at latitude 66° 32′N.
ex) The Arctic Circle is one of the two polar circles.

□ earth's axis 地軸
ex) The study show climate crisis has shifted the Earth’s axis.
気候危機が地軸の位置を移動していると その研究は示している
earth's axis: an imaginary straight line around which the Earth spins once per day
ex) Earth's axis is tilted sideways, causing the sun to shine on different latitudes.

□ Antarctica 南極(大陸)
ex) Antarctica does not belong to any country.
Antarctica: the continent around the South Pole
ex) How far is the southern tip of New Zealand from Antarctica? - (6,252.37 km)

□ the Antarctic Pole  南極(点) = the South Pole
ex) Antarctica is located in the southern hemisphere and 98 percent covered by an ice cap.
南極は 南半球に位置し、98% が氷冠に覆われている
the Antarctic Pole: the southernmost point on Earth and lies antipodally on the opposite side of Earth from the North Pole
ex) The South Pole Observatory (SPO) is located at the geographic South Pole on the Antarctic plateau.

□ Northern Hemisphere  北半球
ex) Which continents and oceans are located in the Northern Hemisphere?
どの大陸と 海洋が 北半球に含まれるのですか?
Northern Hemisphere: the half of Earth that is north of the Equator
ex) The Northern Hemisphere has the largest of the Earth’s land mass.

□ axis of rotation (地球の)自転軸
ex) The geographic North Pole is the northern point of Earth's axis of rotation.
北極点は 地球の自転軸の北側の先端である
axis of rotation: : the straight line through all fixed points of a rotating rigid body around which all other points of the body move in circles
ex) Earth's rotation is the rotation of planet Earth around its own axis.

latitude 緯度
ex) What cities are on the same latitude as New York?

latitude: the angular distance of a place north or south of the earth's equator, or of a celestial object north or south of the celestial equator, usually expressed in degrees and minutes
ex) As latitudes increase, the average temperature cools.

□ longitude 経度
ex) The prime meridian, which runs through Greenwich, England, has a longitude of 0 degrees.
グリニッジ子午線の通るグリニッジ天文台は 経度0である
longitude: a geographic coordinate that specifies the east–west position of a point on the surface of the Earth
ex) Most flights that go along the same longitude are arranged to be overnight.

□ tundra area ツンドラ地帯
ex) The arctic tundra can be found between the latitudes 55 and 70 north.
北極のツンドラ地帯は 北緯 55~70度に見られる
tundra: a treeless plain especially of arctic regions having a permanently frozen layer below the surface soil and plant life made up mostly of mosses, lichens, herbs, and very small shrubs
ex) The best ways to see the tundra are hiking, horse riding or off-road.

□ magnetic pole 磁極
ex) The north magnetic pole is also known as the magnetic north pole.
北磁極は 北極点としても知られている
Magnetic pole: region at each end of a magnet where the external magnetic field is strongest
ex) Earth's magnetic North Pole moves in loops of up to 50 miles per day.

drift ice 流氷
ex) We examine the simulated Arctic sea ice drift speed.
私たちは シミュレーションで北極海の流氷の移動速度について 検証します

drift ice: detached pieces of ice drifting with the wind or ocean currents
ex) The Arctic sea ice cover is an indicator of climate change.
流氷に覆われた 海面の面積の割合は 気候変動の 指標となります



急ぐ・急用 直観的・予感 無気力・気力のない 矛盾・逆接 姿勢・猫背 関心・興味