英語で Interest / Regard - 関心・興味・好奇心 - TOP

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「Interest / Regard - 関心・興味・好奇心」 に関する 英単語 & イデオム

 be interested in 興味を持つ、関心を抱く
ex) ex) What made you interested in doing a film on him?
何がきっかけで 彼に関する映画製作に興味を持つようになったのですか?
interest: to cause (someone) to want to learn more about something or to become involved in something
ex) Financial issues don't really interest me.

🔗「無関心の・関心がない」 に関連する 英語表現

disinterest 無関心、興味の喪失
ex) I chided her for his disinterest in anything that is not her own idea.
私は 彼女が自分の意見以外のことには何に対しても無関心な点を叱った

disinterest: lack of interest in something
ex) Some kids become high-achievers to compensate for their parents' disinterest.
両親に関心を寄せられなかった子供たちが その経験を埋め合わせるように 成績優秀者になることもある

□ Can I interest you ... in ... はいかがですか? (勧誘、招待など)
ex) Could I interest you in another cup of coffee?
interest: to persuade (someone) to have, take, or participate in (something)
ex) Can I interest you in a game of tennis?
テニスをしませんか? (テニスの試合に興味がありますか?)

□ interest 興味、関心
ex) My wife and I have like-minded interests.
interest: : a feeling of wanting to learn more about something or to be involved in something
ex) She told us about her lifelong interest in music.

□ attention 関心、注目、注意
ex) There are plenty of ways to generate attention for your web site.
あなたのウェブサイトへの関心を高める方法は たくさんある
attention : notice, interest, or awareness
ex) She likes all the attention she is getting from the media.

concern 関心、懸念、心配
ex) I appreciate your concern, but there's really nothing you can do to help.
関心を寄せてくれてありがとうでも、今の所 手伝って頂くことはありません

concern: a feeling of being interested in and caring about a person or thing
ex) Choosing to spoil or discipline a child are major parenting concerns.
子供を甘やかすか、しつけを厳しくするかは 両親にとって 主要な子育て上の問題である

□ regard 関心、注意、興味を示すこと
ex) They buy the lowest-priced item with little or no regard for brand.
彼らは ブランドに興味を示すことなく、最低価格の商品を購入する
regard: : care or concern for someone or something
ex) She gives little regard to her sister's teasing.

□ inclined towards …  …に関心がある
ex) I know some people who are inclined toward volunteering.
inclined: wanting to do something or likely to do something
ex)The system has the potential to provide opportunities for those inclined towards sports.

□ whet one's appetite 関心をそそる、興味を引く
ex) I've read an excerpt of the book on the Web and it's whetted my appetite.
私はその本の 引用文をウェブ上で 読み、とても関心を持っている
whet one's appetite: Arouse one's interest or eagerness 
ex) I wasn't sold by that innitial video, but this new one is starting to whet my appetite.

□ draw (関心や興味を)引き付ける、引き寄せる
ex) What has drawn you to schience? 
draw: : to attract (someone or something)
ex) She felt drawn (= attracted) to the young man.

□ feel caught     強く関心を持つ、悪循環にはまる
ex) I feel caught more than drawn.
feel caught: a feeling of being trapped or stuck in a certain situation
ex) I feel caught in this cycle of procrastination and I can't seem to break out of it.

□ be nosy about …    … に関心がある(詮索好き)
ex) I'm nosy about what other shoppers are buying.
私は他の買い物客が何を買っているかに 興味がある
nosy: showing too much curiosity about other people's affairs
ex) He asked to talk on the phone, but I declined because my kids were home and they're very nosy.


□ People are turning on to the idea of …  …することに関心を示している
ex) People are turning on to the idea of experiencing unspoiled nature.
人々は 手つかずの自然を経験することに 関心を示している
turn ... on to: to cause someone to be interested in something
ex) He turned me on to all kinds of music that I never would have heard otherwise.

□ I'm big on …   …にとても興味がある、大好きである
ex) I'm not big on socializing with co-workers.
私は 同僚との社交に それほど関心を持っていない
be big on: to have a special liking or enthusiasm for
ex) My mother is big on family get-togethers.

curiosity   好奇心
ex) Her natural curiosity led her to ask more questions.
彼女の生来の 好奇心から 多くの質問をした

Curiosity killed the cat. (成句)余計な詮索がトラブルを引き起こす
Curiosity killed the cat.: used to warn of the dangers of unnecessary investigation or experimentation

curiosity: the desire to learn or know more about something or someone
ex) The arrival of a construction crew at their house aroused the curiosity of their neighbors.

□ incurious 好奇心のない
ex) The incurious brain is basically asleep.
好奇心を持たない脳は 寝ている状態と同じである
incurious: lacking curiosity
ex) He was downright incurious about her work.

pique (好奇心・関心を)引く、かき立てる
ex) The package piqued my curiosity.

pique: to excite or arouse especially by a provocation, challenge, or rebuff
ex) Brightly colored objects pique a baby's interest.
明るい色で塗装された 物は 赤ちゃんの関心を引く

spark  (好奇心・関心などに)火をつける、引き起こす
What is something that always sparks your curiosity?
あなたの好奇心を常にかき立てるものは 何ですか?

spark: ignite, arouse
ex) Teachers should know how to spark and leverage curiosity in students.
教師たちは 生徒たちの好奇心に火をつけ、高める方法を知るべきである



妥協する・甘んじる 急ぐ・急用 直観的・予感 無気力・気力のない 矛盾・逆接 姿勢・猫背