英語で Enervated - 無気力・気力のない - TOP

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「Enervated - 無気力・気力のない」 に関する 英単語 & イデオム

□ enervated   無気力にさせる、気力を弱める
ex) Although a three-hour lecture might thrill someone, it would enervate most people.
enervate: to reduce the mental or moral vigor of
ex) Many who survived became enervated and depressed.

□ enervation 無気力、不活発
ex) We took a dip in the pool to alleviate the enervation caused by the heat and humidity.
私たちは プールの水に浸かり、暑さと湿気による 無気力感を和らげた
enervation: the quality or state of lacking physical strength or vigor
ex) They lived in enervation.

□ listless 無気力な、やる気のない
ex) The heat made everyone tired and listless.
その暑さは 皆を疲労させ、無気力にした
listless: lacking energy or spirit
ex) The party was a listless affair.

□ lethargy 無気力、倦怠感、不活発
ex) Symptoms include loss of appetite, lethargy, and vomiting.
病気の症状には 食欲の減退、無気力感、嘔吐も含まれます
lethargy: : the quality or state of being lazy, sluggish, or indifferent.
ex) He felt that he had to drag himself out of his lethargy and begin to write.

□ lethargic 気だるい、無気力な
ex) The patient was weak and lethargic.
その患者は 衰弱し、無気力であった
lethargic: of, relating to, or characterized by laziness or lack of energy
ex) Being lethargic makes it hard to get anything done.

supine 無気力な、無関心な、(腹部を上に向けて)あおむけになった
ex) They remained supine in the face of terrible wrongdoing.
彼らは ひどい行為に直面しても、無関心であった

supine: weak or passive
ex) The new director has introduced a series of changes against little opposition from the supine staff.
新ディレクターは 無気力な社員から ほとんど反対されることもなく、一連の改革を導入した

inertia 無気力な、(物理)慣性、惰性
ex) After 10 years in an unsatisfying job she overcame her inertia and went back to school.
仕事に不満を抱え 10年間を過ごした後、彼女は 無理力さに打ち勝ち、学校へと戻った

inertia: a feeling of not having the energy or desire that is needed to move, change, etc.
ex) The organization is stifled by bureaucratic inertia.
その組織は 官僚的な無気力さによって 抑えられていた

□ infirm 虚弱、無気力、弱い
ex) The old and the infirm are the most susceptible to this disease.
高齢者と 虚弱な人は この病気にかかりやすい
infirm: : weak or frail in body (as from age or disease)
ex) Infants, the elderly and the infirm are particularly vulnerable.

□ lifeless 生気のない、精彩に欠ける、、無気力な
ex) His arms fell lifelessly to his sides.
彼は 気力無く 両腕を横側に置いた
lifeless: lacking spirit, interest, or energy
ex) The book's plot was lifeless and predictable.

🔗「疲労・倦怠感」 に関連する 英語表現

be the worse for wear   疲れて、くたくたで
ex) She looks worse for wear as she left the office at 11 pm.

the worse for wear: : in worse condition after doing or experiencing something.
ex) Everyone talked animatedly and nobody felt worse for wear.
皆が活気を持って 会話に参加し、誰も疲労感を感じていなかった

□ draggy 無気力な
ex) I thought his speech was really slow and draggy.
私は彼のスピーチは ゆっくりで、無気力なものに感じた
draggy: slow-moving, lethargic, dull, boring, etc.
ex) We finally reached the end of a long, draggy, boring afternoon.



無賃乗車・不正乗車 止まる・停止 病院・医療施設 妥協する・甘んじる 急ぐ・急用 直観的・予感