英語で Hurry - Rush - 急ぐ・急用・急がせる - TOP

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「Hurry - Rush - 急ぐ・急用・急がせる」 に関する 英単語 & イデオム

□ hurry 急ぐ、急がせる
ex) He hurried after her.
彼は 彼女の後を追って 急いだ
hurry: to move, act, or go quickly
ex) I hurried home.

□ hurry 急ぐこと、慌てること
ex) What's the big hurry?
hurry: : a need to do something more quickly than usual
ex) It was getting late, but our guests were not in any hurry to leave.

get a move on    急ぐ
ex) Please get a move on or we'll miss our train.
急いで。 さもないと私たちは 電車に乗り遅れる

get a move on: to hurry
ex) Come on, you two, get a move on!

□ haste 急ぐこと
ex) Haste makes waste.
haste: quickness in movement or action
ex) He performed his task with great haste.
彼は 業務を大急ぎで達成した

□ hasten 急ぐ、急がせる
ex) These recent poor results have hastened the manager's demotion.
それらの 悪い結果は、課長の降格を 急がせることになった
hasten: to make something happen sooner or more quickly
ex) The president hastened to reassure his people that he was in perfect health.

□ hastily 急いで、急に
ex) Maybe I acted too hastily.
恐らく私は 急いで行動しすぎたのだ
hastily: hurriedly
ex) After a hastily arranged marriage, her life takes a dramatic turn.

□ short notice 急な話、突然の知らせ
ex) I can't see you on such short notice. 
short notice: only a short time before something happens
ex) I can't cancel my plans at such short notice.

□ rush 大急ぎでする、急いで行く
ex) Firefighters rushed to the accident scene.
消防士たちは 事故の現場へ急いで向かった
rush : to move or do something very quickly or in a way that shows you are in a hurry
ex) The children rushed down the stairs.

□ rush through 急いで...を終える
ex) I rushed through my work and ran out the door.
rush through: deal with it quickly so that it is ready in a shorter time than usual
ex) The bill was rushed through parliament.

□ rush into 急いで ... する
ex) What are the risks of rushing into marriage?
rush into: get involved in something without taking enough time to think carefully about it
ex) Some firms rushed blindly into unsuitable mergers.

□ urgent 緊急の、重要で急ぎの
ex) We've come to deliver an urgent message.
大至急 伝言を伝えることになった
urgent: very important and needing immediate attention
ex) Volunteers are urgently needed to help with the crisis.

□ family emergency 家庭の急用
ex) Do I have to explain to my boss what my family emergency is?
上司に 家庭の急用の内容を 話すべきでしょうか?
family emergency: a significant event that affects an immediate family member
ex) If I call into work saying I have a family emergency, will people ask me what happened?

□ scoot 急いで行く
ex) I'm late, so I have to scoot. (=run)
遅れているから 急いで行かないと
school: to go or leave suddenly and quickly
ex) I gave her a quick peck goodbye and scooted out the door.

□ scramble to …  急いで…する
ex) He is scrambling to finish stories by deadline.
彼は 入稿の締切りに間に合わせるために 記事を急いで書いている
scramble: to move or act quickly to do, find, or get something often before someone else does
ex) It started to rain, and we all scrambled for cover.

□ Step on it.  (車で)急いで
ex) Could you step on it? I'm late.
遅れているから 急いでくれますか?
    Step on it.: go faster, typically in a motor vehicle.
ex) We're running out of time so step on it.

□ Shake a leg!  急いで
ex) You'd better shake a leg or we'll miss the first act.
急がないと 私たちは 第一幕を見損なってしまう
Shake a leg.: to hurry up; get a move on
ex) Shake a leg or we'll never be ready in time. 


□ whirlwind    つむじ風、(感情の)嵐、大急ぎの、大急ぎの
ex) It's been another whirlwind week in the media world.
whrilwind: to move or travel quickly
ex) They married three months after they met. It was a real whirlwind romance.

□ on the double     駆け足で、急いで
ex) You'd better get here on the double.
on the double: very quickly
ex) I need a copy of the report on the double.

□ double-time 急いで、駆け足で、倍速で
ex) She works at what seems a double-time pace.
彼女は 倍速で働いているようだ
double-time: to move at double time
ex) We have been working double-time to meet all of our deadlines.

□ hectic     慌ただしい
ex) Slow down your hectic mornings.
慌ただしい朝に 余裕を持つようにして
hectic: full of incessant or frantic activity
ex) It's minutes from downtown but far from the hectic pace of city life.



信頼する・信用 骨折・松葉づえ 無賃乗車・不正乗車 止まる・停止 病院・医療施設 妥協する・甘んじる