英語で Medical Facility - 病院・医療施設 - TOP

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「Medical Facility - 病院・医療施設」 に関する 英単語 & イデオム

□ hospital 病院、総合病院
ex) For nurses, there are distinct differences between clinic and hospital environments.
看護師にとって、診療所と病院では 仕事環境が全く異なる
hospital: a place where sick or injured people are given care or treatment and where children are often born
ex) She's in the hospital.

□ clinic クリニック、診療所
ex) The clinic is offering free screening for diabetes.
そのクリニックでは 無料で糖尿病のスクリーニング検査(症状が現れる前に病気を発見するための検査)を提供している
clinic: a healthcare facility; often provides specialized outpatient care
ex) Please call your clinic to make an appointment.

□ clinical 臨床の、病床の
ex) Three hundred patients were involved in the clinical study.
300人の患者が その臨床研究に関わった
clinical: relating to or based on work done with real patients : of or relating to the medical treatment that is given to patients in hospitals, clinics, etc.
ex) She enjoys her clinical practice but is looking forward to working in a laboratory.

□ sickbay 病室、病人用のベッドが置かれた部屋
ex) The child will be admitted to sick bay.
その子供は 病室で入院するであろう
sickbay : a place for the care of the sick or injured
ex) She recovered soon in sickbay and refused to be examined any further.

□ infirmary 診療所、保健室、診察室
ex) This infirmary is a 600-bed , not-for-profit hospital.
この診療所は 600病床を有する、非利益の病院です
infirmary: a place where sick people stay and are cared for in a school, prison, summer camp, etc.
ex) One of the students became ill and was sent to the infirmary.

□ be admitted to the hospital 病院に入院する
ex) She was admitted to the hospital yesterday.
彼女は昨日 入院した
admit: receive (a patient) into a hospital for treatment
ex) She was admitted to the hospital suffering from a chest infection.

□ medical facility 医療施設
ex) Staff shortages in your medical facility often lead to a rise in complaints.
medical facility: a place where sick or injured people are given care or treatment
ex) The medical facility provides services on a walk-in basis.

□ nurse 看護師
ex) Nurses can select clinical or nonclinical positions in a wide variety of settings.
看護師たちは 幅広い設定の中から、医療従事または医療関連の職位を選択できる
nurse:: a person who is trained to care for sick or injured people and who usually works in a hospital or doctor's office
The nurse will take your blood pressure before the doctor sees you.

□ ambulatory care 外来診療
ex) Our ambulatory care center is open Monday through Friday, 8:30am to 5:00pm.
私たちの外来診療部門は、平日 8:30am から 5:00pm 受け付けています
ambulatory care: medical services performed on an outpatient basis, without admission to a hospital or other facility
ex) Our new ambulatory care center is conveniently located on the first floor of the hospital.

□ outpatient 外来患者
ex) We offer several additional outpatient services, including dental care.
当病院では 歯の診療など 外来患者向けの医療サービスを提供しています
outpatient: a patient who receives medical treatment without being admitted to a hospital
ex) Reducing waiting time has become a major issue for outpatient satisfaction.

□ be staffed by ... ... のスタッフ・職員がいる
ex) We are staffed by board certified physicians.
私たちは 有資格の内科医を擁します
staff: to supply (an organization or business) with workers
ex) Patient-to-nurse staffing ratios vary considerably across Illinois hospitals.

□ disinfect 消毒する、殺菌する
ex) We need to disinfect for germs.
disinfect: to clean (something) especially by using a chemical substance that kills all germs and bacteria
ex) There are limits to how well hand sanitizers disinfect.

□ stethoscope   聴診器
ex) The stethoscope helps amplify internal body sounds.
stethoscope: an instrument that is used for listening to someone's heart or lungs
ex) We probably shouldn't be wearing our stethoscopes around our necks.

□ take a blood sample    採血、血液の採取をする
ex) I need to take a blood sample.
blood test: a laboratory analysis performed on a blood sample that is usually extracted from a vein in the arm using a hypodermic needle
ex) Have all items ready for blood collection.

 respirator 人工呼吸器
ex) The doctors put her on a respirator.
医師たちは 彼女に人工呼吸器を設置した

respirator : a device that helps people to breathe when they are not able to breathe naturally
ex) A medical evaluation determines your ability to wear a respirator.
医療的な評価は 人工呼吸器を装着する技能により決まる


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