英語で Stop - Pull Over - 止まる・停止・停車 - TOP

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「Stop - Pull Over - 止まる・停止・停車」 に関する 英単語 & イデオム

Q. 車の運転中、信号の手前で止まる時は "Stop" を使い、車を駐車する際には "Pull Over" を使うのは何故でしょうか?

A. "Stop" は"止める・止まる" を意味します (auit moving) が、"Pull Over" は "寄せる" を意味します。 "Stop" はその場で車は止まりますが、"Pull Over" では 車の前進は続いた状態 (traffic can continue) にあります。

pull over(車などを駐車する際)脇に寄せる(その後停止する)
ex) When an emergency vehicle is approaching, slow down, pull over to the right and stop.

pull over: to stop your car at the side of the road, or to force another car or driver to do this
ex) In this area, only taxis can legally pull over to pick you up.
タクシーだけはこのエリアでも 乗客を拾うために、車を脇に寄せることができる

□ stop 止まる、止める
ex) I got stopped by a police officer. 
私は 警官に呼び止められた
stop: to not move, walk, etc., after doing so before
ex) The bus stopped at the corner.
バスはその角で 停車する

□ put a stop to …    …を止める
ex) I put a stop to their fight.
put a stop: : to bring (something) to a state in which no further activity happens
ex) She wanted to put a stop to the rumors.

 stop by itself 自動的に止まる
ex) The alarm is designed to stop by itself after ringing for a certain duration.

by oneself: unaided
ex) This type of bleeding is not dangerous and should stop by itself.

□ a stop sign 一時停止の道路標識
ex) A stop sign is used to control traffic and is usually found at road intersections.
一時停止の道路標識は 交通の流れを制御するために使われ、通常 交差点で見られる
stop sign: a regulatory sign - a traffic control device that warns drivers to slow down and prepare to stop
ex) If you are at a stop sign, you must give way to all other vehicles.

□ halt 停止する、立ち止まる
ex) The strike halted subways and buses.
ストライキは 地下鉄とバスの運行を停止した
halt: to stop (something or someone) from moving or continuing
ex) The project had to be halted due to lack of funds.

□ come to a halt 止まる、停止する、中断される
ex) When the conflict arose, oil imports of that country came to a halt.
come to a halt: to no longer move or happen.
ex) The bus slowly comes to a halt.

□ grind to a halt      (ゆっくり、音を立てて)停止する、機能しなくなる
ex) The car ground to a halt right in the middle of the street.
その車は道路の真ん中で 音を立てて停止した
grind to a halt: gradually slow down or lose momentum and then stop altogether.
ex) In summer traffic all but grinds to a halt.

 shut off    (水、ガスなど)止める、止まる
ex) When the flame goes out, the gas shuts off automatically.

shut (itself) off (故障などで)止まる  = turn itself off
ex) My cell phone would shut off sometimes while I was in the middle of a call, or pushing buttons.

shut off: stop flowing or operating
ex) The engine shuts off automatically when the desired speed is reached.

ex) The automaker will shut down its production beginning next Monday.
来週の月曜より その自動車製造会社は 生産を停止する

shut down: cease to operate or cause to cease operating
ex) The factory resumed operation after a brief shutdown for repairs.

□ put a hold on …   … を(1時的に)停止する
ex) Put a hold on the newspaper while you're away.
put a hold on: to decide not to do, change, or deal with something now, but to leave it until later
ex) The country has put a hold on sending the mission to our country.

□ put a brake on …   …を終える、歯止めをかける
ex) Raising taxes now would put the brakes on economic recovery.
put a brake: slow down or stop an activity
ex) Police are looking to put the brake on joy-riding youngsters who are putting lives at risk.

□ cardiac arrest    心不全、心臓停止、心拍停止
ex) They were taken to the hospital in cardiac arrest and later were pronounced dead.
arrest: : an occurrence in which a part of the body suddenly stops working
ex) The patient went into cardiac arrest. = The patient's heart stopped beating.

□ disable (機械など) 動作を停止させる
ex) His boat became disabled.
彼のボートは 動かなくなってしまった
disable: to cause (something) to be unable to work in the normal way
ex) Do you know what to do if your vehicle becomes disabled on a highway?

□ crash (コンピュータなど)停止する
ex) The browser crashes when accessing your website.
君のホームページにアクセスすると ブラウザーが停止してしまう
crash : to stop working suddenly
ex) My computer keeps crashing.




医者・開業医 野球観戦・スタジアム 進む・進行 信頼する・信用 骨折・松葉づえ 無賃乗車・不正乗車