英語で Fare Evasion - 無賃乗車・不正乗車 - TOP

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「Fare Evasion - 無賃乗車・不正乗車」 に関する 英単語 & イデオム

  fare evasion キセル乗車、電車のただ乗り
ex) Fare evasion was a pervasive problem here in NY.
ここニューヨークでは 無賃電車が横行している

fare: the money that you pay for a journey that you make
ex) The penalty for fare evasion increased today.
無賃乗車に対する 罰則が今日 増えた

 fare beater     無賃乗車者 = fare cheater - fare evader
ex) Some passengers beat the fare.

fare beater: one who avoids having to pay for public transportation, often illegally
ex) A fare beater with a unique method of slipping into the subway was busted.

  fare cheating     不正乗車  
ex) Fare cheating often increases when there's been a fare change.

cheat: avoid (something undesirable) by luck or skill
ex) The new fare gates bring a new look and improved experience, offering state-of-the-art technology that will boost safety by reducing fare cheating.
その新型の改札機は 不正乗車を減らすための技術を搭載し、新しい装いと 上昇した機能をもたらす

cheat on fares   運賃をごまかす
ex) To tackle cheating on fares, the city provides for a penalty scheme.
cheat: to defraud; swindle
ex) Those new turnstiles are putting a halt to cheating on fare.

fare dodging 電車のただ乗り、無料乗車
ex) Now fare-dodging has again found its way into the news cycle.
電車のただ乗りは、再び ニュース報道で取り上げられるようになった

dodge fare 無賃乗車をする
ex) A banker who dodged $1,000 in train fares banned from the finance industry.
1,000ドルの無賃乗車を行なった 銀行員が金融街から 出入り禁止となった

fare dodging: the act of travel without payment on public transit
ex) Those who run account on the platform to advise train passengers how to dodge fares is fined.

turnstile jumper 無賃乗車する人
ex) The city is using tougher enforcement and high-tech barriers to crack down on subway turnstile jumpers.
市は地下鉄で 無賃乗車をする人に対し、より厳しい法の施行と、取り締まりのための ハイテクバリアを設置している

turnstile jumper: fare-dodger
ex) We don't allow people to jump over the turnstile and not pay their fare.

🔗「駅構内・改札」 に関連する 英語表現

turnstile  改札
ex) I got off the train and zipped right through the turnstile.

turnstile: : a post having arms which turn around that is set in an entrance or exit so that persons can pass through only on foot one by one
ex) How many people can pass through a turnstile per minute?
1分間に何人の人が 改札を通過できるのであろうか?



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