英語で Broken Bones - 骨折・添え木・松葉づえ - TOP

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「Broken Bones - 骨折・添え木・松葉づえ」 に関する 英単語 & イデオム

□ broken bone 骨折
ex) Moving the broken bones can increase pain.
骨折した箇所を 動かすと痛みが増す
broken bone: a partial or complete break in the bone
ex) Never try to straighten broken bones.

□ fracture 骨折
ex) Good first-aid care of fractures is important.
骨折には 適切な応急処置を施すことが 重要である
bone fracture: a crack or break in a bone
ex) For a limb fracture, provide support and comfort such as a pillow under the lower leg.

□ plaster cast (骨折に用いる)ギプス包帯
ex) Casts are effective at providing immobilization.
ギブスは 部位の固定に効果的である
plaster cast: a rigid dressing of gauze impregnated with plaster of paris
ex) A cast holds a broken bone (fracture) in place and prevents the area around it from moving as it heals.

□ immobilise (添え木などで)固定する
ex) You should immobilise the limb above and below the fracture.
手足の骨折患部の 上下を固定しなければならない
immobilise: prevent (something or someone) from moving or operating as normal
ex) Any suspected fracture or dislocation should be splinted, immobilized, or both.

□ splint (骨折の)添え木、副木
ex) How do casts and splints help broken bones heal?
splint: a strip of rigid material used for supporting and immobilizing a broken bone when it has been set.
ex) She had to wear splints on her legs.

□ sling つり包帯、腕つり
ex) Slings are more commonly prescribed for people with a shoulder fracture.
肩を骨折した患者に対する 処方として、つり包帯は一般的である
sling: a flexible strap or belt used in the form of a loop to support or raise a weight
ex) Use a sling to support an arm or collarbone fracture.

□ crutch 松葉づえ
ex) To walk up and down stairs with crutches, you need to be both strong and flexible.
松葉づえをついて 階段を上り下りする際、力と柔軟さが必要となる
cruth: : a support usually made with a piece at the top to fit under the armpit for use by a disabled or injured person as an aid in walking
ex) Place both crutches forwards in front of you, just wider than hip width apart.

□ compound fracture 複雑骨折
ex) Some complicated fractures may need surgery.
複雑骨折では 手術を要する場合もある
compound fracture: traumatic injury involving multiple breaks in a bone and damaged soft tissue
ex) A compound fracture is considered an emergency.

□ injured part 患部、損傷部
ex) The injured part should be kept as still as possible in the first few days.
最初の数日間、患部は 出来る限り 静止状態を保たなければならない
injured: physically harmed
ex) The injured part may look deformed in severe breaks.

full healing    (怪我・骨折など)完治
ex) New bone forms within a few weeks of the injury, although full healing can take longer.
負傷の後 数週間で新しい骨が形成されるが、完治までは もう少し時間がかかる

full healing: the process of making or becoming sound or healthy again
ex) Do broken bones fully heal?



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