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「Trust / Credence - 信頼する・信用」 に関する 英単語 & イデオム
□ trust 信頼、信頼する
ex) He is not to be trusted.
trust: : to believe that someone or something is reliable, good, honest, effective, etc. : to have confidence in (someone or something)
ex) Working together is going to be difficult if you don't trust each other.
□ a position of trust (信頼され)責任と権力のある立場にいる
ex) She has been placed in a position of trust.
position of trust: job/position in which one has a lot of responsibility and power.
ex) You will be in a position of trust.
□ trustworthy 信頼できる、信用できる
ex) I will leave a spare key with a trustworthy neighbor.
スペアの鍵を 信頼できる隣人に 渡すでしょう
trustworthy : able to be relied on to do or provide what is needed or right : deserving of trust
ex) The treasurer was not entirely trustworthy.
□ confidence(人や物ごとに対する)信頼、信用
ex) The experience gave her the confidence to start her own business.
その経験は彼女が自分で仕事を始めるための 確信を彼女に与えた
confidence: a feeling or belief that you can do something well or succeed at something
ex) He lacked the confidence to succeed.
□ credence 信用、信頼、信任
ex) I'm not prepared to give credence to anonymous complaints.
credence: : a ready acceptance of something as true or real.
ex) A study carried out last year may lend some credence to the story.
□ credibility 信頼性、信憑性
ex) He complained that we had tried to undermine his credibility within the company.
彼は、私たちが社内での彼の信頼性を損ねようとしたと 苦情を言っている
credibility: the fact that someone or something can be believed or trusted
ex) She consistently demonstrates the ability to establish credibility and rapport with clients.
□ faith 信頼、信用、信念
ex) I place a lot of faith on him.
faith: : strong belief or trust in someone or something
ex) His supporters have accepted his claims with unquestioning faith.
■ infallible 絶対確実な、絶対信頼できるもの
ex) There is no infallible remedy to these health problems.
infallible: certain to work properly or succeed
ex) The computer program can infallibly identify each type of file.
そのコンピュータプログラムは 確実に ファイルの各種類を確実に認識することができる
■ fallible 誤りを犯し勝ちな、(情報)信頼できない
ex) we're all fallible.
私たちは 皆 間違えを犯す
fallible: capable of making mistakes or being erroneous
ex) Don't rely on the fallible information.
■ one's right arm 信頼できる片腕
ex) My employer calls me his right arm and depends upon my knowledge and judgment.
経営者は私を 自分の信頼できる片腕と呼び、私の知識と判断を信頼している
right arm: one's most reliable helper.
ex) He is my right arm, so I hope he will not leave the company.