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「Process / Progress 進む・進行・進展」 に関する 英単語 & イデオム
□ make a beeline for ... (脇見もせず)一直線に進む
ex) She made a beeline for the car.
make a beeline: : to go quickly and directly at or to (something or someone)
ex) He made a beeline for the kitchen.
彼は台所に 一直線に向かった
□ make one's way 前進する、…につき進む
ex) They made their way though they were tired.
make one's way: : to move forward usually by following a path
ex) I started making my way for the food trays.
□ process(時間や過程の)進行
ex) We want to bring the aging process under control.
老化の進行を 制御したい
process: a series of actions or steps taken in order to achieve a particular end
ex) Military operations could jeopardize the peace process.
軍の活動は 和平プロセス(平和の進行)を 危機にさらすかも知れない
□ progress 前進、進展、進歩
ex) He made slow progress down the steep cliff.
彼は 険しい崖を降りる際 ゆっくりと進んだ
progress: movement forward or toward a place
ex) We're not finished yet, but we're making progress.
= We are moving forward in our work.
□ advance (目標に向かって)進む
ex) The car advanced slowly down the street.
その車は 道に沿ってゆっくりと前進した
advance : to move forward
ex) He can continue advancing while dragging his defender along.
■ in the works 進行中で
ex) A major consolidation of companies was in the works.
in the workds: being planned, worked on, or produced.
ex) Their in-company reforms have been in the works.
彼らの 社内改革は 進行中である
■ on the march 行進中で、進展中で
ex) Automation is on the march
on the march: something is becoming successful or spreading through an area
ex) Time marches on
時間は 進行している
□ be afoot 進行中
ex) We know that he has lots of plans afoot.
彼が多くの計画を進行中であることを 私たちは知っている
afoot: in progress
ex) Plans were afoot to begin construction on the bridge.
□ the going (仕事の)進行状況
ex) It's been slow going so far (= progress has been slow so far), but the project should speed up soon.
going: used to describe a situation in which you are trying to make progress or do something
ex) It is a leadership quality to master times when the going gets tough.
□ be underway 進行中、実施中の
ex) The train has had to stop briefly, but it should be under way again soon.
電車は短時間 停車したが、すぐに運転を再開するであろう
underway: in or into motion
ex) An investigation is underway after one of the main electricity supply links was damaged.
□ carry the discussion further 話をさらに深く進める
ex) We need to carry discussion further before law goes into effect.
その法律が施行される前に 話し合いを深く進める必要がある
further: to a greater degree or extent
ex) Let's take your newfound knowledge one step further.
□ coast (自分の力でなく)進む、惰性で進む
ex) At the top of the hill I switched off the engine and we just coasted down the other side.
丘の上でエンジンを切り、私たちは 別の斜面を下りながら進んだ
coast : to move forward using no power or very little power
ex) They bought a sled for coasting down the snowy slopes.
□ move onward 前へ進む、前進する
ex) Move onward and upward along the path you've choosen.
自分の選んだ道を、前へ 上へと進みなさい
onward: : to or toward what is ahead in space or time
ex) The troops kept moving onward. (=forward)
□ move on to: (次のものに)進む、移る
ex) Read the words alound and move on to the next card.
move on: start doing something new or making progress
ex) I've been in this job long enough—it's time I moved on.
□ lumber (重そうに)進む
ex) The parade lumbers through town once a year.
lumber: :to move in a slow or awkward way
ex) We saw an elephant lumbering along the road.
□ drag 引きずる、のろのろ進む
ex) Quit dragging and walk faster.
drag : to go or move more slowly than others
ex) She dragged the hem of her skirt through a puddle.