英語で Ballpark - スタジアム・野球観戦 - TOP

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「Ballpark - スタジアム・野球観戦」 に関する 英単語 & イデオム

ballpark 野球場
ex) Going to an MLB ballpark is one of the best experiences a baseball fan can have.
MLB の野球場に行くことは 野球ファンにとって もっとも素晴らしい経験の一つである

ballpark: a place with a field for playing ball games, especially baseball games, and seats around it for people who are watching
ex) Some people were selling tickets outside the ballpark.

ballfield 野球場
ex) You must have a valid game ticket to gain entrance to the ballfield.
野球場への入場には 試合観戦用のチケットを入手しなければならない

ballfield: : a field for playing a sport using a ball
ex) The quality of lighting at a baseball field has an important role.
野球場の照明システムの質は 試合で 重要な役割りを果たす

□ seat location 座席の位置
ex) We are looking for detailed information on the ball field, such as seat location within a specific section.
野球場の 特定の座席区分の座席の位置など、詳細な情報を探している
seat location: a place where something specified is prevalent
ex) Layouts and specific seat locations may vary without notice.

□ nosebleed 一番高い所にある
ex) Fans say nosebleed seats worth the cost at the stadium.
ファンは野球場の一番高い所にある席でも 料金に見合うと考えている
nosebleed section: the seats of a public area, usually an athletic stadium or gymnasium, that are highest and, usually, farthest from the desired activity
ex) From the coveted front row seats to the far-off nosebleed sections, areas to sit offer a different perspective and experience.

□ national anthem 国歌
ex) The tradition of performing the National Anthem before every baseball game began during World War II.
野球の試合の前に 国家を歌う伝統は 第二次世界大戦中に 始まった
national anthem: a solemn patriotic song officially adopted by a country as an expression of national identity
ex) You'll need to remove your cap and face the flag for the National Anthem.

ceremonial first pitch (野球)始球式
ex) Wait for the ceremonial first pitch.

ceremonial first pitch: a longstanding ritual of baseball in which a guest of honor throws a ball to mark the end of pregame festivities and the start of the game
ex) He was the first U.S. President to throw the ceremonial first pitch at a baseball game.
彼はアメリカの大統領として 初めて 野球の始球式でボールを投げた

□ concession stand 売店
ex) Buy food and drinks from a concession stand in the stadium.
スタジアム内の売店で 食べ物と飲み物を買って
concession stand: a stall where food, drinks, or other items are sold at a theatre or other venue
ex) Burgers are the best concession stand items of all time in this stadium.

□ binoculars 双眼鏡
ex) Ballparks are huge places and a pair of binoculars can help get a closer look at your favorite players.
球場はとても広い場所なので、双眼鏡は お気に入りの選手を 見るのに役立つ
binocular: a device for making objects that are far away appear nearer and larger
ex) For most ball games, compact binoculars with low magnification are very useful.

□ spectate (スポーツを)観戦する
ex) You can spectate most of these baseball games free of charge.
spectate: : to watch something (such as a sports event)
ex) These ballparks are made up of the field and spectator seating.

□ megaphone メガホン
ex) At the stadium, megaphones for vocal cheering will be used only by cheerleaders.
その球場で メガホンを使った声援が許可されているのは チアリーダーだけである
megaphone: a large funnel-shaped device for amplifying and directing the voice
ex) Our cheerleading megaphone is designed in blue color, vibrant and eye catching, can easily make you stand out from the crowd.


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