英語で 医者・開業医・診断書 - TOP

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「Practitioner - 医者・開業医・診断書」 に関する 英単語 & イデオム

□ doctor 医師、医者
ex) See you doctor.
doctor: : a person who is trained and licensed to treat sick and injured people
ex) Doctors Without Borders has revealed the detailed costs of a study it ran for a tuberculosis treatment regimen.

□ physician  医師、内科医
ex) Almost all physicians complete at least 4 years of undergraduate school.
physician: a doctor who has earned a medical degree
ex) Physicians work to maintain, promote, and restore health by studying, diagnosing, and treating injuries and diseases.

□ internal medicine doctor   内科医
ex) Internal medicine physicians serve, and lead, in many diverse roles and settings.
内科医は あらゆる状況で、多様な役割を果たす
internal medicine doctor: experts in complexity. They see every connection in the adult human body.
ex) Internal medicine physicians can be called "internists," "general internists," and "doctors of internal medicine."

□ ENT doctor 耳鼻咽喉科医、耳鼻科の医師
ex) Diseases of the ear, nose, and throat (ENT) are extremely common and are often treated in an emergency department (ED) setting.
ENT: : a physician specializing in medical conditions of the ear, nose, throat, and neck
ex) The abbreviation for otorhinolaryngologist is simply “ENT,” meaning doctors specializing in ear, nose and throat issues.

pediatrics 小児科
ex) He returned to New York as head of the pediatrics department at the hospital.
彼は 小児科部門の責任者として ニューヨークに戻ってきた

pediatrics: : a branch of medicine dealing with the development, care, and diseases of infants, children, and adolescents
ex) Visit our pediatric medical office where we provide medical services for children in this area.
この地域で 子どもへの医療サービスを提供する 当 小児科クリニックにお越しください

□ psychiatrist   精神分析医
ex) Will you refer me a psychiatrist?
psychiatrist: a medical practitioner specializing in the diagnosis and treatment of mental illness
ex) She started seeing an expensive psychiatrist.

□ practitioner    開業医、弁護士
ex) Patients are treated by skilled practitioners.
患者たちは 経験豊富な開業医により 治療を受けます
practitioner: a person actively engaged in an art, discipline, or profession, especially medicine.
ex) A nurse practitioner is a nurse with a graduate degree in advanced practice nursing.

□ a urologist   泌尿科医 cf) urology 泌尿器科
ex) When you make an appointment with a urologist, be prepared to discuss your medical history.
泌尿科と 面会の約束を取る時、今までの病歴について話し合う準備をして
urologist: a doctor who has special training in diagnosing and treating diseases of the urinary organs in females and the urinary and reproductive organs in males
ex) Some urologists might practice without doing surgery, but all urologists are trained as surgeons.

□ premed 医科大学予科
ex) What major is best for pre-med?
医科大学予科で 最もよい専攻は何ですか?
premed: a series of undergraduate courses and extracurriculars designed to prepare students to enter medical school after graduation
ex) While many labs prefer to hire students who have completed some of their pre-med science courses, some are open to freshmen.

□ obstetrician 産科医
ex) The same obstetrician delivered three of the babies in a suburban hospital.
郊外の病院で 同じ産科医が3人お産を手伝った
obsterician: a physician that specializes in delivering babies and caring for people during pregnancy and after they give birth
ex) Obstericians treat medical conditions unique to pregnancy and perform surgeries related to labor and delivery.

doctor's note    医師の診断書
ex) You can’t get a doctor's note for 10 bucks.

doctor's note: a written notice from a qualified healthcare provider that outlines basic information about a medical condition, such as an illness or injury
ex) If you have an illness or injury that causes you to miss work, you may need a note from a doctor to provide to your employer.
もし 病気や怪我で 仕事を欠勤するのであれば、会社に提出する医師の診断書が 必要となるでしょう

board-certified (医師)有資格の
ex) The hospital is seeking a board-certified internist.
その病院では 有資格の内科医を求人している

board-certified: having satisfied the requirements for board certification
ex) The board offers board certification in general surgery.
委員会は一般外科の 正式免許を発行している

□ unlicensed doctor 無免許医
ex) Even unlicensed doctors can offer non-medical services as interns.
免許のない医師でも、インターンとして 非医学的なサービスは提供できる
unlicensed: not having a licence (= a document giving legal permission) to do something
ex) An unlicensed physician cannot provide direct, independent patient service.



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