英語で Alter - 洋服の寸法直し、ズボンの裾上げ - TOP

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「Alter - 洋服の寸法直し、ズボンの裾上げ」 に関する 英単語 & イデオム

clothing alterations (衣類の)寸法直し、裾上げ
ex) Note any areas that require alterations.
洋服のどの部分に 寸法直しが必要なのかを 指摘して

alteration: the act of making something different (as e.g. the size of a garment)
ex) Ask well-dressed guys in your friend group or office where they get alterations done.
着こなしの上手な友達や 同僚に、どこで 衣類の寸法直しをしているのか 聞いてみて

alter 寸法を直す
ex) I had 4 items altered.
衣服 4点の寸法を直してもらった

alter: to make different in some particular, as size, style, course, or the like
ex) Before altering, these were simply just a nice pair of jeans.
寸法を直す前まで、これは どこにでもあるジーンズであった

□ take in (衣服を)丈を詰める、縫って縮める
ex) I had a tailor take my pants in by a couple inches.
仕立屋にズボンの丈をを数インチ 詰めてもらった
take in: make a garment tighter by altering its seams
ex) She took in the dress to fit me.

□ take up (衣類の丈を)短くする、上げる
ex) Having a shirt hem taken up even a half inch can make a big difference.
シャツの裾を 0.5インチ短くするだけで、シャツの印象は大きく変わります
take up: shorten a garment by turning up the hem
ex) When I got home my grandmother took up the skirt.

□ let out (衣類を)広げる、伸ばす、大きくする
ex) Most clothing cannot be let out more than an inch.
ほとんどの洋服が1インチ以上 伸ばすことができない
let out: make a garment looser or larger, typically by adjusting a seam
ex) The dress is too tight. Perhaps it could be let out.

□ hem へりを縫う 折り返しなどの処理をしたもの
ex) Hem a pair of jeans.
hem: to fold back the edge of and sew down
ex) There is an easy way to hem your jeans to whatever length you want.

□ shorten 短くする
ex) We will walk through the entire process of shortening collared shirt sleeves with the cuffs.
襟付きシャツの袖をカフスを使って 短くする方法の 全体を見てみましょう
shorten: make or become shorter
ex) We will shorten your jeans to the desired length and sew the hem with an authentic chainstitch.

□ lengthen 長くする
ex) Lengthen your shirt sleeves to meet your personal requirements.
好みに合わせて シャツの袖を長くして
lengthen: make or become longer
ex) I'll show you how to discreetly lengthen jeans so that no one even guesses.

□ add legth to 長くする
ex) I want to add length to dress straps.
length: the measurement or extent of something from end to end
ex) If you still have matching yarn, you can add to the length of your knitted scarf.

□ slim down  (大きすぎるものを)小型化する、小さくする
ex) Slim down a sleeve.
シャツの腕の部分を 細くしてください
slim down: to make or become slim intentionally
ex) The first is to put your jeans on inside out and draw a line with tailor's chalk where you want to slim them down.

□ replace 交換する
ex) This is a easy way to fix a zipper without replacing it.
replace: take the place of
ex) I can repair broken button on jeans in less than 5 minutes without using a sewing machine.

□ redo 作り替える、やり直す
ex) Some local tailors will redo alteration work free of charge.
地元の仕立屋の中には 無料で寸法直しを やり直すところもあるでしょう
redo: to revise or reconstruct
ex) We will gladly redo the fit, and fix any quality issues within a reasonable amount of time.



ドライブスルー 店内で食べる・持ち帰り 欠点・短所 踏切・遮断機 暑さ・夏ばて 薄着・衣替え