英語で Light Clothes - 夏服・薄着・衣替え - TOP

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「Light Clothes - 夏服・薄着・衣替え」 に関する 英単語 & イデオム

seasonal change of clothing 衣替え
ex) Changing your wardrobe every season means that you will be able to make a mental inventory of all the clothing you own for that particular season.
毎シーズンごと 衣替えを行うことにより、各季節ごとに着る 洋服を 頭の中で整理できるようになる

seasonal change of clothing: people change from thick, heavy, dark-coloured clothes for winter to thin, lighter, bright-coloured clothes for spring and summer
ex) Doing a seasonal wardrobe change is surprisingly divisive, so we're covering the pros and cons you need to know about rotating your wardrobe.
季節による衣替えについては 驚くほど 意見が分かれるので、ワードローブの季節ごとの変更についての 賛成意見と反対意見を それぞれ 知らせましょう

switch out 切り替える
ex) Switch out your seasonal wardrobe for summer.
夏に向けて 衣類の衣替えをして

switch out: to exchange some piece, part, or component for a new or different one
ex) I switch out clothing twice a year, once in the spring and once in the fall.
年に2回 春と秋に 衣類の切替を行う

□ wear light clothes 薄着する
ex) Wearing the light clothes can help you stay cooler during the summer.
薄着を切る事によって 夏の間 涼しく過ごせる
light clothes: clothing that is not heavy or warm
ex) As the weather warmed, she switched out her winter coat and hat for lighter clothes.

□ breathable (衣類などが)通気性の良い
ex) Linen is best breathable summer fabrics to help you chill out this summer.
breathable: admitting air to the skin and allowing sweat to evaporate
ex) The natural fiber and light weave allow for maximum breathability.

□ circulate air  空気を循環させる
ex) This natural fiber allows air to circulate and move freely through the fabric.
この自然素材は 空気を循環させ 通気性がよい
circulate: move or cause to move continuously or freely through a closed system or area
ex) Cotton helps to keep the body cool by allowing air to circulate.

□ airflow 空気の流れ、通気性
ex) Cotton is an organic fibre that enables easy airflow.
airflow: the movement of air
ex) Linen possesses high air permeability which allows airflow through the fabric itself.

□ absorb 吸収する
ex) This fabiric is not only lets your skin breathe but also absorbs perspiration.
absorb : to take in (something, such as a liquid) in a natural or gradual way
ex) Light-colored garments in white, cream & pastels don’t absorb sunlight like dark colors do.

□ resist heat 熱に強い、熱に耐える
ex) Blended fabrics resist heat well.
resist: to try to stop or prevent (something)
ex) Does heat-resistant clothing contribute to heat stress?

□ trap 中に閉じ込める
ex) Synthetic materials trap heat and moisture close to your skin.
合成繊維は 熱と湿り気を、服装内の肌に近い所に閉じ込める
trap: to stop (something) from escaping or being lost
ex) Natural fabrics help to release trapped heat and maintain a cool feeling against the skin.

□ dissipate (雲や霧など)散る、散らす、消散させる
ex) These summer clothes dissipate heat and promote airflow.
これらの夏服は 熱を散らし、空気の流れを活性する
dissipate: to cause (something) to spread out and disappear
ex) Breathable clothing will improve sweat evaporation and heat dissipation.

□ wick away moisture 水分(湿気)を逃す
ex) Moisture-wicking fabrics quickly absorb your body's sweat.
wick: to cause (fluid or moisture) to be pulled away from a surface
ex) Chosen materials like bamboo can wick away sweat while ensuring you feel fresh throughout the day.



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