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「Grade Crossing - 踏切を横断する・遮断機」 に関する 英単語 & イデオム
□ railroad crossing 踏切り
ex) Injuries and deaths occur at rail crossings every day.
毎日 踏切横断時の 事故が起きている
railroad crossing: a place where a road crosses railroad tracks
Once you enter the crossing, keep moving.
一度 踏切りに侵入したら、移動を続けて
■ grade crossing 踏切り
ex) Never start to travel over a crossing unless there is enough room on the other side to allow the vehicle to be completely off of the crossing.
踏切りを渡った先に 自分の車 1台分のスペースが出来るまで、踏切りを横断しないで
grade crossing : a crossing (as of highways, railroad tracks, or pedestrian walks) on the same level
ex) We'll conduct grade crossing and trespassing research to improve railroad safety.
私たちは 線路の安全性を改善するために 踏切りと 不法侵入についての調査を行います
■ gate arm 踏切の遮断機、(駐車場などの)進路遮断アーム
ex) Longer and lighter gate arms make this installation feasible.
長く 軽い 遮断機が ここでの設置を可能にする
gate arm: a gate or access point that regulates traffic flow by means of a long arm that pivots on the opener
ex) Although there are usually three lights per gate arm, sometimes there may be less or even more.
通常 遮断機には 3つの信号が設置されているが、3つ以下、3つ以上の場合もある
□ lowered gates 降りた状態の遮断機
ex) Never drive around a lowering gate or ignore signals.
遮断機が下りてきている時、車を動かしたり 信号を無視しないで
lower: to move something into a low position
ex) After a train passes, wait for gates to fully rise.
□ look both ways 両側を見る
ex) Look both ways before crossing railroad tracks.
線路を渡る時は 両側を見て
both: used to refer to two people or things, regarded and identified together
ex) Stop, look both ways, and listen. Know that trains always have the right of way.
□ railroad tracks 線路
ex) Don’t stop on the tracks.
railroad trcks: the metal tracks on which trains run
ex) Only cross railroad tracks at a designated crossing.
□ flashing red lights 点滅する赤信号
ex) If lights are flashing or the gate is down at a railroad crossing, wait for the train to pass completely.
もし踏切りで 信号が点滅し、遮断機が下りてきたら、電車が完全に通り過ぎるのを待ってください
flash: (of a light or something that reflects light) shine in a bright but brief, sudden, or intermittent way
Once the lights have stopped flashing, check up and down the line.
□ stall (車が)エンコ、エンストする
ex) If your car stalls on a track, quickly get everyone out.
stalling: refers to the engine of a vehicle suddenly stopping while the vehicle is in motion
ex) A train hit a car that stalled on the tracks.
□ rush across 急いで横断する
ex) It is never okay to rush across and try to beat the train.
rush: move with urgent haste
ex) If you have the choice to try to rush through a crossing with an alarm sounding or wait, always choose to wait.
□ alert 用心する
ex) Be alert near railroad crossings and stop for approaching trains.
踏切の近くでは用心し、近づいてくる電車のため 立ち止まろう
alert: quick to notice any unusual and potentially dangerous or difficult circumstances
ex) Red signals alert drivers to the presence of railroad tracks and to the possibility of an approaching train.
□ stay back (危険なものなどから)一歩身を引く
ex) I will always stay back from railroad tracks.
私は いつも線路から一歩身を引いた所にいる
stay back: to keep one's distance from a place, often because of some danger
ex) Stay 15 feet back from the grade crossing.