英語で Flaw - Weakness - 欠点・弱点・短所 - TOP

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「Flaw - Weakness - 欠点・弱点・短所」 に関する 英単語 & イデオム

□ flaw 欠陥、(性格的な)欠点、ひび
ex) Vanity was the one flaw in his character.
虚栄心は彼の性格の中の 一つの欠点であった
flaw: a small fault or weakness
ex) Several critics pointed out the flaws in the book's plot.

□ fault 欠点、至らない部分
ex) Lack of courage is his worst fault.
fault: a weakness in character
ex) He loved her despite her many faults.

□ find fault with ... ... の欠点を探す、あら捜しをする
ex) Her husband found fault with everything she did.
夫は妻のすること全てに あら捜しをしていた
find fault: to criticize someone or something
ex) No matter what she did, her husband was always finding fault.

□ failing 欠点、短所
ex) Pride is a terrible failing.
自尊心は 大きな欠点である
ex) He has some minor failings.
彼には 小さな欠点があった
failing: a weakness or problem in a person's character, behavior, or ability

□ drawback 欠点、不利
ex) One of the drawbacks of living with someone is having to share a bathroom.
drawback: the negative part of a situation
ex) The main drawback to it is the cost.

□ shortcomings 欠点、弱点、欠陥
ex) Her lack of attention to detail is her biggest shortcoming.
shortcomings: a failure, defect, or deficiency in conduct, condition, thought, ability, etc.
   ex) Being aware of my shortcomings, I have sometimes overcompensated and tried too hard to be clever and funny.

□ weakness  弱点、弱み
ex) The tutor assessed the student's strengths and weaknesses.
先生は 生徒たちの強みと弱みを評価した
weakness : a quality or feature that prevents someone or something from being effective or useful
ex) The basketball team has few weaknesses.

□ sore spot    弱点、痛い所
ex) His divorce is really a sore point with him.
彼の離婚のことは 彼にとって 触れてほしくない話題である
sore spot: something that is likely to make someone upset or angry when you talk about it
ex) Just don't mention it. It's always been a sore point with him.

□ be not good ... に弱い、弱点である
ex) I'm not good with figures.
not much good at: not very skilled at
ex) I'm not much good at calculation.

□ foible (性格上の)小さな弱点、欠点
ex) They have to tolerate each other's little foibles.
彼らは お互いの性格上の小さな弱点に 我慢しなくてはならなかった
foible: a minor weakness or eccentricity in someone's character
ex) We all have our little foibles.

□ frality 弱さ、もろさ、(道徳上の)弱点
ex) Selfishness and greed are main human frailties.
自分かってさと 強欲さは 人間の主な弱点である
frality: moral weakness

 fly in the ointment 唯一の欠点
ex) That's the only fly in the ointment.

fly in the ointment: a single thing or person that is spoiling a situation that could have been very positive or enjoyable
ex) I'm looking forward to Sunday, the only fly in the ointment being the fact that I'll have to sit next to my mother-in-law.
義理の母の隣りに座らなくてはならないことだけが 唯一の気がかりだ



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