英語で Foe Here or To Go - 店内で食べる・持ち帰り - TOP

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「Foe Here or To Go - 店内で食べる・持ち帰り」 に関する 英単語 & イデオム

□ fast food ファストフード
ex) Learning how to order fast food is a rite of passage for immigrants in US.
アメリカでファストフードを頼むことは 移民にとって通過儀礼のようなものだ
fast food: : of, relating to, or specializing in food that can be prepared and served quickly
ex) Fast food restaurants are designed to make it easy to order food.

□ for here (ファストフードレストランで)店内で食べる事
ex) When ordering to eat in, ask for your food for here.
for here: food consumed on premises
ex) Is the order for here or to go?
(購入した食べ物に対し)店内で食べますか? 持ち帰りますか?

□ dine-in (持ち帰りでなく)レストランの中で食事する
ex) The fast food restaurant is coming up with strategies to boost dining-in.
そのファストフードレストランでは 店内で食事する人を増やすよう、戦略を練っている
dine-in: to eat a purchased meal on the premises where one bought it, rather than taking it away
ex) We examine the pros and cons of dine-in, delivery, and takeout revenue streams to help you find the balance that's right for your business.

□ eat in (外食でなく)自宅で食事をする ⇔ eat out
ex) Let's eat in tonight. 今夜は家で食事をしよう
eat in: to stay home to eat
ex) "Eat in" - "eat out" are used when discussing whether to eat a home-cooked meal or a restaurant meal.

□ to go (ファストフードレストランで)持ち帰ります
ex) This is to go. I'd like a small #9 combo.
to go: or providing food or beverages consumed away from their place of sale
ex) When you get takeout, ask for your food to go.

□ takeout (持ち帰り用の料理)食べ物・飲み物
ex) Our Family Meal Deals are vailable for takeout only.
家族向けの特別料金メニューは 持ち帰りのみに適用します
takeout: a prepared meal or other food items, purchased at a restaurant or fast food outlet with the intent to eat elsewhere
ex) Before you order takeout or head to a restaurant, see if menu information is available on a website.

□ on the go 外出中に、移動中に
ex) The great thing about fast food is that it can be eaten on the go.
on the go: busy - You're either traveling or just zipping around being busy.
ex) We've gathered some of the best high-protein fast food options for when you're on the go.

carry out 持ち帰り用の食べ物・飲み物
ex) Call us for some carryout.
持ち帰りの食べ物を、私たちに電話して 予約してください

carry-out: food or drinks picked up from a restaurant or other place to be consumed elsewhere, typically at home
ex) Order from our menu today for easy carryout or delivery.
今日のメニューから、簡単に持ち帰れる食べ物か、デリバリーフードを 注文してください



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