英語で Sled - Sleighing - そり滑り・そりに乗る - TOP

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「Sled - Sleighing - そり滑り・そりに乗る」 に関する 英単語 & イデオム

sledding そり滑り
ex) We went sledding on the hill.
私たちは 丘にそり滑りに出かけた

sledding : to ride on a sled especially down a hill
ex) Sledding is an exciting winter sport that almost anyone can do.
そり滑りは 誰にでもできる楽しい ウインタースポーツである

□ sled (坂を滑り降りる)そり
ex) Purchase a plastic sled or saucer if you're on a budget.
予算に限度があるなら プラスチック製のそりを購入して
sled: : a small vehicle that has a flat bottom or long, narrow strips of metal or wood on the bottom and that is used for moving over snow or ice
ex) Pick a sled that has brakes and can be steered.

□ sled そりに乗る (sleds - sledded - sledding)
ex) There are a variety of different places where you can snow sled.
雪用のそりに乗るための場所は 多種多様である
snow sled: a vehicle usually on runners for transportation especially on snow or ice
ex) We are sledding down the hill.

□ sledding hill そり滑り用の丘
ex) Try to sled at a commercial sledding hill.
商業用に運営されている そり滑り用のゲレンデで、そり滑りをして
hill: : a usually rounded natural elevation of land lower than a mountain
ex) This Sledding Hill provides a family friendly sledding experience especially designed for beginners and younger ages.

□ sleigh  (馬やトナカイが引く)そり
ex) Experience a relaxing trip aboard our horse-drawn sleigh ride.
馬が引く そり乗りを経験して
sliegh: : a large, open vehicle that is usually pulled by a horse over snow or ice
ex) You can even treat yourself to an old-fashioned sleigh ride.

□ fall off the sled そりから落ちる
ex) Injuries often occur when the child falls off the sled.
fall off: come off
ex) Why did she fall off her sled?

□ steerable かじの取れる、ハンドル付きの
ex) Get a steerable sled if you have experience sledding.
Steerable: capable of being steered or directed
ex) Steerable sleds offer the most control over the sled.

□ overfill (容器など)いっぱいにし過ぎる
ex) Don't overfill the sled with people.
overfill: to fill a container with too much of something
ex) Don't overload the sled with too much weight.



薬局・処方箋 適切な・適当な 否定・否認 想像・想定する 雪合戦・積雪 歯医者・虫歯