英語で 歯医者・虫歯治療 - TOP

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「Dentist - 歯医者・虫歯治療」 に関する 英単語 & イデオム

dentist 歯科医
ex) Seeing a dentist regularly can help promote oral health.

dentist: : a person whose job is to care for people's teeth
ex) Once you’ve located a dentist’s office with which you feel comfortable, schedule an appointment.
自分が安心できると思える歯科医クリニックを 見つけたら、面会の約束をとって

□ dental instruments  歯科用器具
ex) We sell quality dental instruments including cotton forceps.
当社は 綿用の鉗子を含む 高品質の歯科用器具を販売しています
dental instruments: tools that dental professionals use to provide dental treatment
ex) Tray of sterile dental tools sits ready for use.

□ orhodontist 歯科矯正医
ex) Board certification is the highest level of professional achievement for an orthodontist.
歯科矯正医にとって、専門委員会による認可の取得は プロとして もっとも高い業績にあたる
orthodontist: a dentist trained to diagnose, prevent, and treat teeth and jaw irregularities.
ex) Orthodontic insurance won't cover the full cost of braces, but it can provide significant savings.

□ brace 歯列矯正装置(ブリッジ)
ex) Orthodontic care involves the use of devices, such as braces, to straighten teeth.
歯科矯正医の治療では 歯並びを矯正するために ブリッジを含む 装置を使用する
brace: : an orthodontic appliance usually of metallic wire that is used especially to exert pressure to straighten misaligned teeth
ex) Braces are dental tools, sometimes called appliances, that help correct problems with your teeth.

□ cavity 虫歯
ex) The dentist fills the cavity with a durable material such as resin.
歯科医は 虫歯を樹脂のような耐久性の高い物質で埋める
ex) Here are a few easy ways you can prevent cavities from developing.
cavity: an area of decay in a tooth

□ filling (歯の)詰め物
ex) A filling seals a hole, or cavity, in the tooth, preventing further damage.
詰め物は 歯の穴や虫歯を覆い、さらなる損傷を防ぐ
filling: : something used to fill a cavity
ex) The first step is to determine if you need a filling in the first place.

□ dental crown   歯のかぶせ物
ex) Talk to your dentist if you need a crown.
crown: the part of a tooth external to the gum or an artificial substitute
ex) A dental crown is a tooth-shaped cap that restores a decayed tooth.

□ local anesthesia 局部麻酔
ex) Most people don't experience adverse reactions with local anesthesia.
anesthesia: an agent that produces anesthesia
ex) Your dentist might need to apply dental local anesthesia to numb an area of your mouth.

□ numb the mouth 口を麻痺させる
ex) After a dental procedure, experiencing numbness in the mouth is common due to the use of anesthesia.
歯科医の治療の後 麻酔使用により口内の麻痺を経験するのは 一般的なことである
numb: to cause (a part of the body) to lose sensation
ex) Wisdom tooth removal is a dental operation that requires numbing.

□ drill   ドリルで穴を開ける
ex) A dentist can potentially hit a nerve while drilling.
drill: to bore or drive a hole in
ex) The drilling is done to clean and prepare the tooth to accept the filling.

□ pull a tooth   歯を抜く
ex) Before having a tooth pulled, let your dentist know your complete medical history.
pull: extract
ex) Although having a tooth pulled is usually very safe, the procedure can allow harmful bacteria into the bloodstream.

□ tooth extraction 抜歯
ex) There are a number of reasons why tooth extraction may be needed.
extraction: the action of taking out something, especially using effort or force
ex) Tooth extractions can relieve pain and prevent further issues from arising.

□ wobbly teeth (左右に不規則に)揺れる歯
ex) How long does it take for a child's wobbly tooth to fall out?
wobbly: tending to move unsteadily from side to side
ex) Other common causes of wobbly teeth include gum disease.

□ fall out (歯が)抜ける
ex) The most common reason for a wobbling and eventually falling out tooth is poor oral hygiene.
fall out: become detached and drop out
ex) Teeth fall out for a variety of reasons.

□ knocked-out tooth 脱落歯
ex) A tooth can be knocked out by an accident involving the face.
歯は顔に関わる 事故により抜けることもある
a knocked-out tooth: occurs injury, or an accident causes your child to lose part or all of their tooth
ex) If an adult tooth is knocked out, try putting it back in place and go to a dentist immediately.

□ loose tooth グラグラする歯
ex) A loose adult tooth may be alarming.
成人のグラグラする歯には 注意が必要だ
loose: not firmly or tightly fixed in place; detached or able to be detached
ex) Loose teeth require immediate attention from a general dentist.

□ fluoride フッ化物
ex) Drink fluoridated water and brush with fluoride toothpaste.
fluoride: a chemical that is sometimes added to drinking water and toothpaste to help keep teeth healthy
ex) Our dentist will apply a fluoride gel.



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