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「Sonwball Fight - 雪合戦・積雪・雪が降る」 に関する 英単語 & イデオム
□ snowball fight 雪合戦
ex) Of all the battles you could be involved in, a snowball fight is, without a doubt, the best.
参加できる 戦いゲームの中でも、雪合戦は最高に楽しい
snowball fight: a physical game in which balls of snow are thrown with the intention of hitting somebody else
ex) In a nutshell, a snowball fight is exactly how it sounds.
雪合戦とは 文字通りの内容である
□ hard-packed snow 固く固まった雪
ex) It's perfectly acceptable to chuck hard-packed snow at people.
固く固まった雪を 他の人に向けて投げることは 許容範囲内のことである
hard-packed: snow which becomes very firmly packed as it becomes refrozen due to cold weather conditions rather than melting
ex) Kids can fire away with confidence knowing no one will get hurt from a hard-packed snowball hitting them.
■ pelt 繰り返し投げる
ex) Start pelting snowballs at each other.
お互いに向けて 雪の球を投げ始めて
pelt: attack (someone) by repeatedly hurling things at them
ex) Avoid pelting hard snowballs at the face.
顔に向けて 固い雪の球を投げるのは 避けてください
■ hurl 力いっぱい投げつける
ex) It is not easy to hurl snowballs while holding on to a plastic bag of groceries.
hurl: throw (an object) with great force
ex) We hurl snowballs and attack fortress as part of festival.
フェスティバルのイベントとして 私たちは 雪の球を投げて 要塞を攻撃する
□ chuck (不用意に)投げつける
ex) You can’t throw snowballs at people in their forts.
chuck: throw (something) carelessly or casually
ex) keep chucking the snowballs as fast as you can.
□ dodge 素早くよける、身をかわす
ex) Dodge their attack, crash them with snowballs!
dodge: avoid (someone or something) by a sudden quick movement
ex) You can dodge through snowballs, but nailing down the timing is really hard.
□ dense 密度が濃い、ぎっしり詰まった
ex) Snowballs are dense enough that they fly really well and don't come apart.
dense: having parts that are close together
ex) Everyone knows that higher density snow balls work better.
□ snowflake 雪のひとひら、雪の結晶
ex) how many snowflakes are in a snowball?
雪の球には どれ位の雪の結晶があるのだろうか?
snowflake: : a small, soft piece of frozen water that falls from the sky as snow
ex) Snowflakes are whirling.
□ snowfall 積雪(量)
ex) Snowfall observations are provided by numerous observing networks.
積雪の観測は 多くの観測団体により行われている
snowfall: : an amount of snow that falls in a single storm or in a particular period of time
ex) The area is expecting heavy snowfall this weekend.
□ snowscape 雪景色
ex) The ten-day long travel packages capitalize on the snowscape during winter months.
10日間の 旅行パッケージは 登記の雪景色の魅力を十分に利用したものだ
snowscape: a landscape covered with snow.
ex) Nobody said such a snowscape would come cheap.
□ snowplow 除雪機、除雪車
ex) To clear roads, we use snowplows.
snowplow: an implement or vehicle for clearing roads of snow by pushing it aside
ex) When driving in winter conditions, the safest place on the road is three to four car lengths behind a snowplow.