英語で Imagine / Envisage - 想像・想定する - TOP

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「Imagine / Envisage - 想像・想定する」 に関する 英単語 & イデオム

□ conceivable 想像できる、考えられる、あり得る、想定される
ex) It is conceivable that she will refuse to go.
彼女が 行くことを拒否することが 想定できる
conceivable: able to be imagined : imaginable or possible
ex) They discussed the question from every conceivable angle.

□ inconceivable 想像を超えた
ex) The fire caused an inconceivable amount of damage.
inconceivable: impossible to imagine or believe : not conceivable
ex) It's inconceivable (to me) that anyone could have survived such a violent crash.

□ conceive (アイデアなど)思いつく、心に描く
ex) I think he still conceives of me as a four-year-old.
彼の心の中では まだ 私は4才のままであるようだ
conceive: to think of or create (something) in the mind
When the writer conceived this role, he had a specific actor in mind to play the part.

□ imagine …ing (自分が) …するのを想像する
ex) I can't imagine forgetting something like that.
そのようなことを私が忘れるなんて 想像できない
imagine: : to think of or create (something that is not real) in your mind
ex) He was imagining all sorts of terrible things happening.

□ unimaginable    想像を超える
ex) This technology would have been unimaginable five years ago.
unimaginable: beyond what you would normally imagine
ex) Sometimes great team work produces unimaginable results.

□ imaginative 想像の、想像力に富んだ
ex) The architects have made imaginative use of transparent plastic.
建築家たちは 透明のプラスチックを想像力に富んだ使い方をした
imaginative: having or showing creativity or inventiveness
ex) She is often brilliantly imaginative in filling out the details of the writer's life.

□ picture … ‥ing … が ‥するのを想像する
ex) Can you picture your child growing in this environment?
picture: to have a thought, understanding, or idea about (something or someone) : imagine
ex) I can't picture changing jobs at this point in my life.

□ dream (実現不可能なことを)想像する
ex) He'growing up faster than you ever dreamed possible.
彼は想像していたより、ずっと速い速度で 成長している
dream: : to think about something that you wish would happen or something that you want to do or be
ex) You can get new customers faster than you ever dreamed possible.

□ envisage 予想する、想像する
ex) I envisage a day when proper health care will be available to everyone.
私は 皆が適切な 医療サービスを受けられる日が来ることを夢見ている
envisage: : to picture (something) in your mind : envision
ex) "he knew what he liked but had difficulty envisaging it.

□ putative 推測の、想定される
ex) The putative leader of the terrorist cell was arrested yesterday.
テロリスト集団のリーダーと推測される人が 昨日逮捕された
putative: generally believed to be something
ex) Every once in a while, a putative planet is reported in the news, which we get very excited about and which usually turns out to be an illusion.

□ visualize 思い浮かべる、心に描く
ex) She tried to visualize the scene he was describing.
visualize: to form a mental picture of (someone or something)
ex) I can't visualize him as a parent. = It's hard to visualize him as a parent.

target reader 想定する読者
ex) Their target readers are teenagers.

target: the person or group that someone is trying to influence, sell something to, etc.
ex) Learn how to find your target audience through interviews. インタービューを通して 目標とする視聴者の探し方を 学びなさい

□ assume 推定する
ex) I assumed he was coming, so I was surprised when he didn't show up.
私は彼が来ると推測していたので、彼が現れなかった時には 驚いた
assume: to think that something is true or probably true without knowing that it is true
ex)“Is he coming?” “So I assume.” = “I assume so.”

□ presume 推測する、推定する、想像する
ex) I presume that the car was very expensive.
その車は高額であると 想像している
= The car was very expensive, I presume.
presume: to think that (something) is true without knowing that it is true
ex) I presume (=assume, expect) (that) you'll fly to Chicago rather than drive.



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