英語で薬局、処方箋、医薬品 - TOP

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「Pharmacy - 薬局、処方箋、医薬品」 に関する 英単語 & イデオム

□ pharmacy (処方箋)薬局
ex) There's a pharmacy in our grocery store now.
食料品店の中に 現在 処方箋薬局があります
pharmacy : a store or part of a store in which drugs and medicines are prepared and sold
ex) She's studying pharmacy at the university.

□ medicine 薬
ex) He forgot to take his medicine.
medicine: a substance that is used in treating disease or relieving pain and that is usually in the form of a pill or a liquid
ex) Did you look in the medicine cabinet for a pain reliever?

□ pharmaceutical products 医薬製品
ex) We offer high-quality, cost-efficient pharmaceutical products.
当社は高品質で 安価な医薬製品を提供しています
pharmaceutical: relating to medicinal drugs, or their preparation, use, or sale
ex) Our products include a variety of non-prescription pharmaceutical products, which we distribute to hospitals.

□ over-the-counter medicine (薬局の店頭で販売されている)市販薬 (OTC)
ex) Our pharmacy carries many common over-the-counter (OTC) medications for minor problems.
当薬局では 軽い病気に効く 市販薬を多数取り揃えています
over-the-counter medicine: a medicine that can be bought without a prescription
ex) Stop by the pharmacy to purchase over-the-counter medications for your cold.
 販売には薬剤師のコンサルティングが要求される医薬品は behind-the-counter と言います。

□ relieve (治療に)効く、(症状を)和らげる
ex) Most cold symptoms can be relieved with over-the-counter (OTC) medications.
ほとんどの風邪の症状は 市販薬で治ります
relieve: cause (pain, distress, or difficulty) to become less severe or serious
ex) Honey may relieve a sore throat, and ease coughing.

□ fill a prescription 処方箋の薬を出す、処方箋を調合する
ex) I had my prescription filled.
prescription: written instructions from a physician, dentist, etc, to a pharmacist stating the form, dosage strength, etc, of a drug to be issued to a specific patient
ex) I want my prescriptions filled quickly and accurately.

□ generic medicine ジェネリックの医薬品
ex) Using generic drugs is one way to save money.
generic medicine: gmedication created to be the same as an already marketed brand-name drug in dosage form, safety and strength.

□ non-drowsy (薬など)眠くならない
ex) Non drowsy allergy medicine provides relief from allergy symptoms without causing sleepiness.
眠くならない アレルギー用の薬は 眠気を催すことなく アレルギーの症状を緩和します
non-drowsy: the medication doesn't contain any ingredients that will make you sleepy
ex) This medicine is a good choice for many, given its non-drowsy nature and once-daily dosing.

□ halt spread of ... ... の広がりを抑える
ex) Some medicine can halt the spread of virus.
いくつかの薬は ウイルスの進行を止めることができます
halt: to bring to a stop
ex) There isn't currently a treatment that will slow the progression of the disease.



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