英語で キャッチボール - TOP

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「Play Catch - キャッチボール」 に関する 英単語 & イデオム

□ play catch キャッチボールをする
ex) Simply put, the act of playing catch is perhaps the most essential building block of a baseball player.
単純に言えば、キャッチボールという行為は 野球をプレイする人にとって、もっとも必要不可欠な基礎的要素である
play catch: to throw a ball back and forth with another person
ex) Setting aside time every month to play catch is critical.

□ play a game of catch キャッチボールをする
ex) Playing a game of catch is one of the most basic children's games.
catch: a game in which a ball is thrown from one person to another
ex) When it is raining out, they play a game of catch in the basement.

□ pitch (投手がバッターに)ボールを投げる
ex) He pitched me a curveball.
彼は カーブの球を投げてきた
pitch: throw (the ball) for the batter to try to hit
ex) She pitched the first three innings.

□ throwing error 暴投、悪送球、送球ミス
ex) Think about how many throwing errors you made yesterday.
昨日 何回悪送球をしたか 考えてみて
throwing error: charged to a player whose throw to another player is not caught and it is deemed the throw was poor.
ex) In baseball, a throwing error occurs when a fielder makes a poor or inaccurate throw to another player, allowing a baserunner or batter to advance or reach base safely.

□ breaking ball  変化球
ex) Some examples of breaking balls are the curveball, the slider and the screwball.
変化球の一例に カーブ、スライダー、スクリューボールがある
breaking ball: any pitch that markedly deviates from a "straight" or expected path due to a spin used by the pitcher to achieve the desired effect
ex) Most often, a hitter's deficiency to hit off-speed and breaking ball pitches is caused by a failure to recognize speed of the pitch.

□ off-speed ball(緩急をつけて投げる)遅い球
ex) One key aspect of effectively hitting off-speed pitches is mental preparation.
遅い球を打つためには メンタルな準備が 鍵となる
off-speed pitch: a pitch thrown at a slower speed than a fastball.
ex) Professional baseball players who have trouble hitting off-speed pitches will not stay professional very long.

□ bounce a ball ボールを弾ませる
ex) He was bouncing a ball against the garage door.
bounce: to cause (a ball, rock, etc.) to hit against a surface and quickly move in a different and usually opposite direction
ec) The ball bounced off the wall.

□ fly ball (野球)フライ
ex) Let me catch the fly ball.
fly ball: a ball that is hit very high
ex) Tracking fly balls means getting a good read on the baseball.

□ field a ball 球を受け止める、打球をさばく
ex) I'll show you how to properly field a ground ball.
ゴロのボールを 適切にキャッチする方法を教えましょう
field: to catch or pick up the ball after it has been hit in a game such as cricket or baseball
ex) You'll field the ball in front of your body but slightly to your left.

ground ball (野球のボール)ゴロ
ex) I believe ground balls are harder to field than fly balls.
フライよりも ゴロの球を取る方が難しいと思う

ground ball: a ball hit along the ground.
ex) The advice to hit the ball on the ground is something that I have heard uttered by coaches for years.
何年にも渡り コーチから ゴロを打つ方法に対するアドバイスを授かった



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