英語で ブーメランを投げる - TOP

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「Boomerang Throwing - ブーメランを投げる」 に関する 英単語 & イデオム

boomerang ブーメラン
ex) A boomerang is a thrown tool, typically constructed as a flat airfoil
ブーメランは 平坦な翼として作られた 投げるための道具です

boomerang: a curved piece of wood that returns to the thrower if tossed correctly
ex) This boomerang returns safely to its thrower.
このブーメランは 投げ手のところに 安全に戻ってくる

□ boomerang throwing ブーメラン遊び
ex) Master the art of boomerang throwing.
ブーメラン遊びの妙技を 学びましょう
throw: propel (something) with force through the air by a movement of the arm and hand
ex) He is America's number one boomerang thrower.

□ hunting weapon 狩猟用の武器
ex) Boomerangs were originated in Australia as a hunting weapon.
ブーメランは 狩猟用の武器としての起源を持ちます
weapon: something (as a gun, knife, or club) used to injure, defeat, or destroy
ex) The boomerang is a great long range desert hunting tool but a poor weapon for lethal warfare.

□ returning boomerang 戻ってくるブーメラン
ex) Throwing a returning boomerang is a skill which requires a specific technique.
ブーメランを戻ってくるように投げるには 特定の技術が必要である
return: come or go back to a place or person
ex) This returning boomerang is handcrafted in Australia by aboriginals using traditional techniques.

□ overhand オーバースローで、上手投げで
ex) Boomerangs should be thrown vertically overhand.
ブーメランは 垂直に上手投げで 投げられる
overhand: made with the hand brought forward and down from above shoulder level
ex) A boomerang is always thrown overhand like a baseball.

□ at eye-level 目の高さで
ex) Most boomerangs only need to be thrown at eye-level.
多くの場合 ブーメランは目の高さから 投げられる
at eye level: positioned at approximately the same height as your eyes
ex) Outstretch you arm and aim your boomerang just above eye level.

□ give a spin 回転をかける
ex) Give the boomerang some spin.
spin: : a rapid turning motion given to a ball by someone who throws or hits it
ex) You can give your boomerang spin by cocking your wrist backwards.

□ warp たわむ、歪む
ex) Repair your boomerang if it becomes warped.
warp: to bend, twist, or otherwise become misshapen
ex) Boomerangs can easily become warped or dented due to repeated crash landings.



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