英語で 紅茶・アフタヌーンティ - TOP

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「Brew Black Tea - 紅茶・アフタヌーンティ」 に関する 英単語 & イデオム

□ black tea 紅茶
ex) Black tea drinking is ingrained in the culture here in England.
紅茶を飲む習慣は 英国で浸透している
black tea: a type of tea that is more oxidized than oolong, yellow, white and green teas
ex) English breakfast tea and Earl Grey are a few standout popular options of robust black teas.

□ brew tea 紅茶を煎じる
ex) Brew the tea for 3 minutes and then taste test every 30 seconds after that.
3分間 紅茶を煎じて その後 毎30秒ごとに 味を確認して
brew: to add boiling water to tea to make a hot drink
ex) Cold brewing, or steeping tea in cold water, is a great way to produce a smooth, mellow tea.

□ afternoon tea アフタヌーン・ティ、午後の紅茶会
ex) Afternoon tea service is a great British tradition that’s laced with rules.
アフタヌーン・ティは ルールを伴う 英国の伝統的な習慣で ある
afternoon tea: a tea-related ritual, introduced in Britain in the early 1840s
ex) Afternoon tea is typically a social affair intended to help fill the gap between lunch and dinner.

□ high tea ハイティ(夕食の代わりに食べる 軽食と紅茶)
ex) High tea was originally a more substantial evening meal.
ハイティの習慣は 元来 夕食の代用として始まった
high tea: a working-class meal eaten around five o'clock onwards, usually consisting of a hearty meal and a pot of tea
ex) High Tea is served at a dining table, hence "high tea", and is more of a meal.

loose leaf tea 紅茶の葉
ex) Loose leaf tea tends to be higher in quality.
紅茶の葉は (ティバッグよりも)より高品質である

loose leaf tea: tea leaves that do not come prepackaged in tea bags.
ex) Unlike bagged tea, loose leaf tea isn't crushed into a teabag.

袋詰めの紅茶とは違い、紅茶の葉は 小さく砕かれて ティーバッグに入っているわけではない

□ steep (水分に)浸す
ex) If you steep the tea for too long, it’ll become bitter.
紅茶の葉を長く 水に浸すと、苦みが生じる
steep: to cause to stay in a liquid, especially in order to become soft or clean, or to improve flavor
ex) Let the tea steep as long as you like.

stir かき回す
ex) Stir the tea delicately.

stir: to mix (something) by making circular movements in it with a spoon or similar object
ex) Remove tea bags and stir sugar into warm tea.

ティバッグを取り除いて かきまぜながら砂糖を 暖かい紅茶の中に入れてください

□ just below the boiling point 沸騰する直前の温度で
ex) I prefer to make my tea at just below boiling.
boiling point: temperature at which the pressure exerted by the surroundings upon a liquid is equaled by the pressure exerted by the vapour of the liquid
ex) Some black teas are best when brewed well below the boiling temperature.

□ cake stand (アフタヌーンティ用の)ケーキ・スタンド
ex) Food offered at an afternoon tea party should be presented in a tiered cake stand.
アフタヌーン・ティで提供される 食べ物は 棚状のケーキ・スタンドに置かれる
cake stand: a type of tableware used for serving cake and other pastries
ex) The cake stand can be used at all types of events and parties such as tea party.

□ scone  スコーン
ex) The top tier of a cake stand is used for scones.
ケーキスタンドの一段目は スコーン用に使われる
scone: a small biscuit-like cake made from flour, fat, and milk
ex) A scone with cream and jam needs a guiding hand.

□ cram tea スコーンと紅茶のセット
ex) Cream tea is a common addition to afternoon tea.
スコーンと紅茶のセットは アフタヌーン・ティの定番的なメニューである
cream tea: scones with clotted cream
ex) you will find Cream Tea available on a lot of cafe menus.



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